I met Bob the day I stumbled into Square 1 Art Studio in Bryan, Texas. They apparently weren’t open at the time Linda and I dropped by, but Bob let us in. He praised the paintings of his wife, Jill, but didn’t mention that he too was an artist. Shortly after our visit, Bob sent me a couple of his essays and became one of my “guest authors.” I didn’t discover that Bob is an artist until I visited Square 1 Art Studio on the next First Friday in Bryan. Bob casually mentioned an art work I was admiring in Jill’s studio was his work. Jimminy Christmas, Bob is an author, a vinter, a brewmaster, and an artist. Welcome aboard, Bob.
If you are interested in my work or would like to discuss my art, please feel free to contact me at 105 East Sierra Circle, San Marcos, Texas 78666 or phone me at 512-618-8221 or email me at rbpankey1@gmail.com
Black Bear Gazing
Bobcat Observing
Black Back Looking at My Fishing Stringer
Lone Wolf (18x24)
Day’s End (18x24)
Tuckered Out 18x24