I know...I know. I recently wrote an essay on idioms, but I’m doing it again. Heck, I confess, I love idioms.

Heck, I thought everyone was familiar with the word “cattywhompus.” As I often am, I was wrong.
The Cajun doctor might also have used “whoppyjawed” which has a similar meaning: not right, sideways, off-centered, weird shape...askew. He might have also used “cockeyed,” “wonky,” or simply “lopsided.”
I occassionally hear someone use the word “askew,” but I’m more shocked by that word than “cattywhompus.”
H. L. Mencken described American English to be more interesting and vibrant than the original version from England. I submit that the Southern American language is more interesting and vibrant than the language of other parts of the country.
Here are a few expressions I grew up with which I think might prove my point:
About to pop - means you are full after eating a lot
A mind to - means you are thinking about doing something
Huzzy - means a bad woman, like one that would take your husband

He doesn’t have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of-poor
The lights are burning but nobody’s home-stupid
They’re off like a herd of turtles-slowly
You could start an argument in an empty house-argumentative
He could irritate a billy goat-greatly irritating or argumentative
Arkansas toothpick-a large knife
Bowed up-ill humored
Darn tootin'-for sure or correct
Egg on-to urge to do something
Fit as a fiddle-in good shape, healthy
Fit to be tied-angry
Hunkey dorey-everything is great
Laying out all night-staying out all night, often drinking or doing something illicit
Lickety split-very quick
No 'count or Good for nothing-worthless individual
Ornery-having an irritable disposition.

People-relatives, kinfolk
Piddlin'-small or inferior
Snug as a bug-comfortable, cozy
Tarnation-euphemism for damnation
Tarred and feathered-denote great suprise
Tore up-upset
Tote-to carry by hand
Varmint-man or beast considered a pest
Yaller dog-a coward
Yankee-someone from the North

Yonder-at or in that indicated more or less distant place usually within sight
Your druthers is my druthers-we agree
Hankering-a strong or persistent desire or yearning
Heap-a large quantity
These are all Southern regional terms or Southern colloquialisms. I thank I may have mentioned before my encounter with the very local colloquial expression, “You old water moccasin,” meaning a good fellow. I suspect its use doesn’t range beyond 20 miles.