Dear Dallas Cowboys
Dear Dallas Cowboys,
It has come to my attention that you fellows aren’t what you once were. I’m not what I once was either, but, Hell, I’m seventy years old. You guys are just as young as you ever were.
Another football season has come and gone again, and once again you didn’t make the playoffs. What the Hell is going on out there in Arlington?

Losing in the early years was understandable: 1960 (0-11-1), 1961 (4-8-1), 1962 (5-8-1), 1963 (4-10), 1964 (5-8-1). In 1965, they made a breakthrough to the Playoff Bowl where they lost to the Colts 35-3. In 1966 they lost the NFL Championship game to the Packers 34-27. In 1967, they lost the NFL Championship game to the Packers 21-17.
Since the big Super Bowl win in ‘95, you apparently decided to take a couple of decades off from all of the pressure of success. What little success you had was pretty weak beer: 1996, lost divisional playoffs to Panthers 26-17; 1998, lost Wild Card Playoffs to Cardinals 20-7; 1999, lost Wild Card Playoffs to Vikings 27-10; 2003, lost Wild Card Playoffs to Panthers 29-10; 2006, lost Wild Card Playoffs to Seahawks 21-20; 2007, lost Divisional Playoffs to Giants 21-17; 2009, lost Divisional Playoffs to Vikings 34-3.
In 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2011, and 2012, nothing, nil, nix, nada, null, cypher, naught, zero, zilch, zip--the kind of record that deserves disdain.
I have to admit that I didn’t pay much attention to the Cowboys in the early years. In 1960 I was off to LSU and was busy cheering for my college team, a team which, undoubtedly could have easily beaten the early Cowboy teams. Then I lost a couple of years to the Army. I had bigger sauerkraut to fry than the Cowboys for those two years. When I finally got home to Texas, the Cowboys were busy losing to the Green Bay Peckers. But, they made a darn good effort--damned frozen field.

Years ago, Linda’s father, Eddie, nearly died from a burst appendix which went undiagnosed for five days. We knew he was going to make it when he opened his eyes one Sunday, stared at the TV in his hospital room, and asked, “Is that old Tom?” It was football season and Tom Landry was walking the sidelines. We knew then that Eddie was going to recover.
After the new owner Jerry Jones fired Tom, he hired Jimmy Johnson. Johnson had been a successful college coach winning a national championship at Miami, and he was an old buddy of Jerry’s having played football together at Arkansas. Jimmy (1989-1993) won two Super Bowls. After a falling out with Jerry, Jimmy moved on to the broadcast booth, and Jerry hired Barry Switzer (1994-1997). Barry won one Super Bowl. Jimmy, once again unhappy, fired Barry and moved on to Chan Gailey (1998-1999), Dave Campo (2000-2002), Bill Parcells (2003-2006), Wade Phillips (2007-2010) and Jason Garrett (2010-present). Bill Parcells and Wade Phillips were pretty classy guys with good reputations as coaches. One can’t argue with Jimmy Johnson’s success. As for Barry Switzer, well, not a classy guy, but he did win a Super Bowl based on what Jimmy Johnson left behind. I’m pretty sure Tom Landry, if he had died yet, would have turned over in his grave when Jerry hired Barry. The rest of us just held our noses.

The original owner of the Dallas franchise was oilman Clint Murchinson, Jr. In 1984, H. R. “Bum” Bright purchased the Dallas Cowboys from Murchinson. Falling on hard financial times, Bright was forced by FSLIC to sell the franchise to Jerry Jones. The Cowboys themselves had suffered a downturn during Bright’s ownership, but Jones was able to right the ship with some good draft choices and a new head coach, Jimmy Johnson.

Now as for Jerry Jones, I don’t have much to criticize Jones for. He got off to a terrible start in my eyes when he unceremonially dumped the great Tom Landry. Landry found out about his firing while he was playing golf. It took a while for that wound to heal. Jones has often been criticized for being too hands-on in his relationship to his team. “His team” are the key words here. It’s his money and his team. He can have any relationship he wants. Jones has built the biggest and best stadium with his money for the Cowboys. I’ve never been there, but from what I’ve seen on television, it’s a place of which all Texans should be proud. As for Jones’ facelift, at last it’s beginning to look fairly natural. His surgeons seem to have gotten the skin a little tight in their enthusiasm for perfection.

It’s a real shame: children have been born, entered kindergarten, gotten their driver’s licenses, had their first kiss, graduated from high school, gone off to college, married, and even had children of their own...all without ever seeing the Cowboys in a Superbowl. It’s damn near unbearable.
I recall a time when there was nothing better than fall Sundays when the sun was shining, the leaves were rustling, and the Cowboys were America’s Team. Don’t you fellows think it’s time for the younger folks to enjoy this experience?
Yours sincerely,
John W. Pinkerton