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John W. Pinkerton


Folks, I'm becoming a little alarmed by what I see and hear in the news.  I watched a woman whom I learned was a Chicago teacher screaming into a microphone.  I have no idea what her message was…she looked and acted deranged.

More and more, I'm seeing folks like her who are publicly shouting and seem…deranged.

“Deranged” is the best word I have to describe the behavior.  Frankly, I'm a little disconcerted by these folks.  The deranged folks seem to be quite positive that they are on the right side of whatever the issue might be.  Most of them want to change our country in a “fundamental” way.

The California governor want to give black folks whose ancestors were slaves millions of dollars in “reparations.” 

The President wants to give education debtors full forgiveness of their loans that they accrued willingly.

Many states want to have unrestricted access to abortions.

The Democrats and the President and his administration want an open border for folks from all over the world to enter our country without serious vetting.

Graft, particularly related to covid funds seems to be pretty much ignored.

Apparently it's okay with the Democrats if our president has accepted bribes from foreign countries.

The FBI and CIA and other branches of the government are apparently arms of the Democrat Party making false accusations and unconstitutionally restricting free speech.

There seems to be a number of young folks who will never be able to decide on their own what sex they are and  need the state's help.

Underlying all this is a distrust of the free-market system, a diminishing of the work ethic, folks giving themselves permission to lie as long as their lies support their beliefs, and a hatred of anyone who has a different thought.

Yeah, I do believe that some folks not only wish to fundamentally change America; they're actually doing it.

I'm afraid that the US is becoming one of the countries referred to by ex-President Trump as a “shithole.”
