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A Space Alien Predicts the Election.......... Mick Stratton
Attack of the 50 Ft...Baby!.......... Ponk Vonsydow
Bad Doggie.......... Ponk Vonsydow
Beginning of the Seasons...........
Mick Stratton
Bobby Joe Does Polling........... John W. Pinkerton
Brazos Valley Peace Officers Fight the Zombies........... Mick Stratton
Catch Any Bad Guys?........... John W. Pinkerton
Star Trek: Glash of the Gods.......... Ponk Vonsydow\
Dark Matter........... John W. Pinkerton
Donor.......... Ponk Vonsydow
Feline........... Ponk Vonsydow
Gack.......... Ponk Vonsydow
Infant Unit.......... Ponk Vonsydow
James Meets a Chimpanzee........... John W. Pinkerton
 Lupe  (novel).......... Ponk Vonsydow
Meathead.......... Ponk Vonsydow
My Name Is Ismael........... John W. Pinkerton
Our Exalted Emporer.......... Ponk Vonsydow
Phineas T. McGregor: the Great Bank Robber........... John W. Pinkerton
 Real Estate.......... Ponk Vonsydow 
Rent Control..........Big Al
Star Treck: Clash of the Gods.......... Ponk Vonsydow 
Star Trek: The Exploits and Madness of Captain Garth of Izar.......... Ponk Vonsydow 
Star Trek : Romulan Ale.......... Ponk Vonsydow 
Sundays Smell Different........... John W. Pinkerton
The Alleyway Stinkards of Bayouville.......... Bob Hurt
The Country Club........... John W. Pinkerton
The Lake........... Jupiter
The Legend of the Blue Moon.......... Mick Stratton
The Pollster........... John W. Pinkerton
The Rendezvous: The Texan........... 
Bob Hurt 
The Sheriff, the Wolf and the Gunslinger (Part 1)........... Mick Stratton 
The Sheriff, the Wolf and the Gunslinger (Part 2)........... Mick Stratton
Small.......... Ponk Vonsydow
Star Trek: Clash of the Gods......... Ponk Vonsydow
Subject D 669 (audiobook fiction).......... Ponk Vonsydow
Will You Still Love Me When I’m Melting.......... Ponk Vonsydow
Zetan Dead.......... Ponk Vonsydow

Mick Stratton
1    Vulpe
2    Blaidd
3    Lycos 
4	   Over the Cliff
5    The Merging   
6    The Land of Corb Lupia 
7    Ravenwolf
8    Unulrău
9    Vulpe Redux
10  Unulr_u Attacks Ravenwolf 
11  Louve and Corbser
12  Louve and Blaidd    
13  Ravenwolf and Louve
14  Becoming Om Intelept
15  Unuir u Returns
16  Two as One
