Gravity’s Pull on Me
Okay-okay….you're not going to believe this. I'm not even sure I believe it.
For years now, I've suspected that I've been able to notice, depending on where I am, a difference in the gravitational pull on my old body. I guess I'm the only one who has had this impression because I've never had anyone even suggest this as being possible.
As you know, gravity is the force of nature which pulls stuff toward each other. It's one of the fundamental forces of nature: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear---don't worry. I don't understand this stuff either.
But we do know that gravity exists.

An apple fell from a tree hitting Newton on his noggin. He responded, “Ah, gravity.” He didn't and neither did anyone else make much progress getting beyond naming the force.
Now, we know that the strength of the pull depends on mass and distance. Tada!

Scientists, not understanding what gravity really is, blames their tools on this lack of understanding. I must remind them that it's a poor workman who blames his tools.
There are a few theories about what gravity really is, but no one really knows. Newton knew just about as much about it as current scientists on deck do.
Knowing this, my theory has room to exist. Now let's say that where I've lived for about fifty years is my control location---the place by which I judge all other places.
I just remembered where I was when I first felt a surge in the pull of gravity: I was in the service in Germany on a work assignment near some twisted autobahn highway. I took note of the gravitational pull and saw no reason to blame the heaviness I felt on forces other than gravity.
In more recent years while on a golfing expedition to a golf course about 50 miles from my control location (home), I felt an increased tug on my old butt. When I got to one part of the course where the landscape had been shoved around quite a bit to satisfy the course architects and where there was a huge hole in the ground partially filled with water, it was almost overwhelming. I felt as though it would take me three shots to reach the green, and it did.
On the other hand, I don't recall ever taking note of a place where I felt a decrease in the gravitational pull. I attribute this to human nature which assumes that when we feel good and light as a feather, that's the way we're supposed to feel---perfectly normal.
Gravity does exist and it's not made of nothing. It's identifiable. Until the scientists are able to put gravity in a police lineup and identify it, I'm sticking to my story: I can tell the difference in gravitation in different locations.
Recently, some Sherlocks of the science communities of Australia and Germany have determined that the variations in the strength of gravity of the earth are greater than previously believed.

A model, The Potsdam Gravity Potato, of the earth's gravitational variations displays the earth more like a potato than an apple.
Aha, my suspicions are being backed up by the scientific types and I see no reason not to stick to my story. So there.