Hypocrisy and the Southern Border

Bill Neinast


Hypocrisy—the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform—-recognizes no political lines in the nation’s capitol.  The best current example concerns foreigners illegally entering this country.

A few months ago, democrats feigned rage over the Trump administration’s handling of children illegally entering the country from the south.  Those neanderthal republicans were housing them in crowded “cages.”

Now the shoe is on the other foot.  Democrats are now in charge.  What are they doing with the new flood of illegal visitors?  They are housing them in the same cages that were such terrible, unacceptable accommodations under the republicans.

When the cages began to overflow again, the righteous democrats began to look for additional space and considered moving some to Fort Lee, Virginia.  

How could they be so thoughtless?  Housing children seeking freedom in a facility named after the leading Confederate general who tried to preserve slavery is as bad, or worse, as holding them in “cages.”

The politically correct element of the progressives, however, must have become livid with the anomaly of housing children fleeing slavery in a facility honoring a protector of servitude.  So, today, Fort Lee is no longer mentionioned.  Now some place in California is the goal.

Treatment of the renewed flood of  unaccompanied youngsters wading the Rio Grande is the smallest immigration problem facing the Biden Administration.

The most crucial item of this agenda is the new administration’s refusal to acknowledge that there is an immigration crisis.

Actually, there are three crises.

First, is the refusal to acknowledge that there is a law regulating immigration to this country.  With an exception for some Canadians and Mexicans, foreigners must have the appropriate visa or green card to enter the United States.    Any foreigner who enters the country without one of those legal documents is breaking the law.  So let’s refer to them  properly.  They are  here illegally, so they are illegal aliens.

Second, what is to be done with the millions (now estimated to be more than 20 million) illegal aliens now in the country.  A large number of those illegals have been in the country for many years.  They have established families, are working in many capacities, some have their own businesses, their children are going to public schools, they are paying sales and, in some cases, property taxes, getting, in some cases government paid medical care, etc., etc.

In the near future, if not already, some of these productive illegals will reach the age of being unable to work.  They have not paid income or social security taxes.   So how will they be supported?  Who will provide their medical care?

Answers to those questions are way past due. 

Fortunately, there is an easy answer that will not cost a dime.  Actually, it will add millions of dollars to the federal bank account.  Just add all those workers to the income and social security tax rolls.

This means identifying those illegals who have been here for a specified number of years (three ? five ?) with no criminal record, other than breaking the immigration laws.  Then grant them citizenship and get them on the income and social security tax rolls.

They will become productive citizens paying their own way, will no longer have to hide, and will not have to be reluctant to call for police help when they witness wrongdoing.

The third and most important illegal alien  crisis that the Biden Administration will not even acknowledge is the reopening of the immigration flood gates on our southern border.  Stopping construction of the Trump Wall and broadcasting  this is the land of the free will increase the number of illegal aliens hiding their identity from the police by many more millions.

So here’s the perspective. 

Foreigners who want to enter the United States for any reason are required to enter with proper documentation only through an authorized port of entry. 

This law has been ignored on both sides of the southern border too long.  President Donald Trump tried with some success for four years to reverse the trend. Unfortunately, within minutes of taking office, President Joe Biden put the brakes on those efforts and broadcast an unqualified invitation to anyone who wanted to come to the United States to come on in and start voting for socialism.

Will our great, great grandchildren have to study English as a second language? 



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