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Introduction and Dedication to Thoughts from an Observationist

Chip Hill


I’ve always been curious about things, maybe more so than most, I don’t know. Things like who we are and why we do what we do. And being curious, I’ve tried to explain, or if that was too hard, to provide Thoughts on these various things. I think that’s what an Observationist is, someone who observes, notices, processes, concludes and describes something of interest to him/her self, and hopefully to others. In the process of doing this, I realized I was also providing Thoughts on who I am.

So, I decided to record these Thoughts, gathered sporadically over time (7 years) to help my children, grandchildren and anyone else who might be interested to understand me. But more importantly, to derive any benefit to themselves from these Thoughts, if possible. I ended this when I did, not that I had exhausted all potential subjects, but because I was trading the diminishing returns of adding subjects against having opportunities, while I’m still around, to discuss them.

So, in that vein, these Thoughts weren’t meant to be read straight through. When I shared many of them on social media during development, I typically asked the reader for his/her response. Suggest you read them if/as they appeal to you, enjoy, process, and here’s to YOUR observations and thoughts!

Copyright © 2021 by Chip Hill. All rights reserved.
