It’s Not a Candy Store

Bill Neinast

Leaving 271 unsupervised six year olds in a candy store is a good analogy.  The analogous situation is the 271 TS socialist/Democrats occupying the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate.

The analogy becomes clearer when the leader of one of the marauding packs is considered.  It is Senator Bernie Sanders, the self identified socialist who owns three homes.  He is the Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee.

Imagine turning him loose with all those goodies in the store.  He already has control of the largest candy jar and is inviting his buddies “to come and enjoy.  Stick some in your pockets and take them home to your buddies (voters) who cannot be here with us.”

His offer is a six trillion dollar budget, the largest since WWII or, possibly, the largest ever.

But “do not worry,” some of his colleagues say.  “It will be paid for in 15 years.”  If any thought is given to how the intervening 14 budgets will be paid for, it is never mentioned.

Sanders refers to this money grab as President Biden's American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan.

Will those people never learn?  Where in the Constitution do they find a mandate for the government to provide employment?

Instead of creating projects on which to spend federal dollars and thus require private contractors to hire workers, they should simply implement the policies of the last administration.

Before the pandemic closed so many business doors, the American economy was the healthiest it had been since the boom times following WWII.

The Trump Administration began repealing federal regulations instead of issuing more.  The rule was that a federal agency could not issue a new regulation before repealing two old ones.

This unleashing of  private enterprise resulted in the lowest unemployment rates among minorities in recorded history.  Why not repeat that jobs plan?

An alternative would be to repeat the jobs plan of the 1930s.  This would replace welfare with work fare.  If you want a government check, you have to work for it.

That was a true and good federal infrastructure plan.  The stone gymnasiums in Brenham, Somerville, and Burton are federal infrastructures built by WPA (Works Projects Administration) workers.

Bastrop State Park is another example of a federal infrastructure project.  It was constructed by a company of the Civilian Construction Corps.

So instead of appropriating new money for infrastructure, why not convert welfare into work fare and pay for it with money already appropriated for welfare?

Another part of the Biden/Sanders' plan to push the country further into its creditors' (China ?) hands is the American Families Plan.

This plan is as faceted as the jobs plan.  In addition to expanding Medicare eligibility and lowering the cost of prescription drugs, Sanders intends to start building more housing complexes.  In his words, "I think it's unacceptable that we have a half a million people sleeping out in the streets in America because we have a major housing crisis.”

He wants to expand Medicare to include hearing aids and glasses for more recipients.  He also wants to enlarge the number of individuals eligible for Medicare.  That could not possibly include those thousands of foreigners entering the country through our “closed borders.”  Or could it?

All of this largess is going to be paid for by simply making the super rich pay their fair share, whatever that is, of federal taxes.  To do that, loopholes that allow multi-billionaires to avoid paying any taxes will be repealed.

In selling this soak the rich plan, Biden and Sanders overlook the fact that those loopholes are also used by lower income investors to lower the amount of their taxes.  So increasing the tax on some will increase the tax on many.

So here's the perspective.

After thinking about these observations, do you still object to the designation Tax and Spend (TS) socialist/Democrats?



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