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Ravenwolf and Louve
Mick Stratton

How it must pain God to see the amount of hate created in the name of Love.

Louve went to the bar and got a beer for the young man and upon returning she gave it to him, sat down and said, “Blaidd, I know that is who you are, but how can you look so young?”

Ravenwolf said, “Most Beautiful Louve, I am not Blaidd for he is no more. I am Ravenwolf who was before Blaidd. However, everyone here will know me as Koracki. That being said, I am the same man you knew before.

“Tomorrow I would like to meet you in the Haunted Forest so I can begin to explain what I know must be most baffling to you.”

He then added “You have grown much in The Way since I last saw you. This is good.”

Louve said, “The Way? All I know is that in a dream I saw you when the Universe was created and a force of love and peace has become my companion, but yes, I am so confused and would like to know what is going on.” 

Then with the most beautiful of smiles she got up and went to serve the other patrons of the Tavern. 

For Ravenwolf's part he finished his beer, stood up and left.

Henri said to Louve, “Who was that young man?” 

Louve responded, “He said his name is Koracki. I think he may be here awhile.”

Henri then said, “Why did you let him sit in Blaidd's seat? You have never done that before.”

She smiled and said, “Times are changing. Blaidd would not mind.”

When she went to bed that night she couldn't go to sleep because she had so much to think about. She was confused about her feelings because she had loved Blaidd with all of her heart but it was a chaste love. This young man stirred feelings in her that had never been stirred before and she was not sure she liked that. 

The next day when she got up she went into her backyard to do her exercises and who should she see perched in a tree but a very large raven with sky blue eyes. “Hello Campion Meu, where have you been this past year? I missed you dearly.” 

The raven cawed softly as to say, “Me too.”

Then she said “Are you a schimba forma?” But the raven just looked at her and stayed with her while she exercised. 

That afternoon she made her daily run and ended up in the Haunted Forest. Ravenwolf (Koracki) and she had not set a time to meet but she figured he would find her soon, and sure enough he did.

Corbcer had flown with her when she ran. Sometimes ahead, sometimes behind, sometimes making big circles around her as if to say, “You are mine to protect.” 

As she watched the bird she thought to herself, “Well I am about to find out if Koracki is a schimba forma because if Champion Meu disappears and Koracki shows up I will know that he is.”

Louve entered into her glade and Corbcer settled on a tree branch overhead. She heard a movement in the underbrush and turned to see what was there. Out of the shrubs came a huge black wolf with sky blues eyes. Louve immediately looked at the limb expecting to see Corbcer gone, but to her surprise he was still there. Then she heard a chuckle behind her and quickly whorled around to see Ravenwolf smiling and he said, “So much for your schimba forma theory.”

Louve smiled back and said, “Oh Gallant Man of the Wood, you have a lot of explaining to do. I want answers and I want them now.”

Ravenwolf responded “You will get all the answers you want in due time but I have a question you must answer first.”

“And what is that, Oh Bossy Man of the Wood?”

“What has happened to you? You have changed much since I was last here. You seem more at peace and wiser; also I sense a power in you, as if you are connected to The Way. Is that it?”

Louve answered. “I am not familiar with The Way but yes, I am more at peace than I have ever been, and I feel an energy that is always with me. But what do you mean by, ‘The Way’?”

So Ravenwolf began to explain that he was from another dimension, about Corb Lupia and about “The Way.” He never mentioned anything about Unulr_u or the Cosmic Stream. 

Louve felt comfortable as he explained and had joy because much of what he said was familiar to her. She had studied Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism so the concept of the Creator being Love and there is a “Way” back to Him and the concept of the Yin-Yang were things she knew of and believed in. 

Louve interrupted him and said, “In one of the religions here on Earth there is a belief that the Creator came to earth as a man and in their book he said, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me, the Way' God?’”

Ravenwolf chuckled and said, “The Way is beyond our comprehension and many good people have argued unto the point of anger concerning the answer to that question. Some have even killed because of disagreement, which displeases the Creator, because he is of Love, not Death and Destruction. That would be Unulr_u who often twists people’s minds that want to do good but get confused.”

Louve asked, “Who is Unulr_u?”

“The better question might be, ‘What is Unulr_u?’” Then he continued to explain the Corb Lupian view of the eternal battle between Love and Hate. At the end he said, “We of Corb Lupia believe the two most important concepts to follow The Way home is to first, love the Creator with all your heart, mind and soul and second, do your best to love others as you love yourself; in doing this you diminish, or in some cases totally destroy, the hate within you. The closer you are to succeeding in doing this, the closer you are at oneness with The Way.”

Louve said, “The one I spoke of before said a very similar thing, and I have always believed it in my heart.”

Ravenwolf asked Louve to tell him about the changes she has felt in her. She explained about her heightened awareness, her increased ability with her weapons and that she thought she was beginning to communicate with animals. She quickly added, “I know that you must think I am crazy because it does not make sense that a human can do that, but I feel I can.”

Ravenwolf smiled and said, “See that squirrel? I am going to get it to go and jump on Diavol's back.” The squirrel immediately did it. He then said, “Most Beautiful Lady of the Wood, tell the squirrel to do something.”

Louve looked at the squirrel, squinted her eyes and thought a thought. The squirrel looked at her confused, then unconfused and ran up Ravenwolf's leg all the way to the top of his head and sat there.”

Ravenwolf was amazed. He knew full well that The Way works in strange ways; apparently it wanted Louve to progress at a faster rate than any of them thought was possible. 

He said to her, “Louve, The Way is with you and has truly picked you as the one!”

She looked at him, smiled and said, “Most Confusing Man of the Wood, what are you talking about?”

He said, “In time you will understand everything.”

And so went their first meeting. From then on Koracki would show up at the tavern in the evenings and most days the two would meet in the Haunted Forest to talk, Ravenwolf explaining about his world, its beliefs, Unulr_u and The Way. He said nothing about being an Om Intelept or the Cosmic Stream. 

Both Henri and Rand got to know Koracki and liked him, saying he reminded them of Blaidd. This however, gave them a concern for Blaidd had left and hurt Louve greatly. The others in the tavern accepted him but did not trust him because he seemed so different from them.

Although Corbcer, Diavol and Ravenwolf were merged, they were still three complete separate individuals with three separate personalities. 

Diavol loved Louve but not nearly as much as he did Ravenwolf. On the other hand, though Corbcer was merged with Ravenwolf, he loved Louve more. Ravenwolf, of course, was aware of this and didn't mind at all, for very early on when he was Blaidd he had begun to love her more than he thought he should. 

As for Louve, she adored the raven and had loved Blaidd with her whole heart; though it was more of a love for one's grandfather. What disturbed her now was that this was changing because Ravenwolf seemed to be more her age, rather than an old man.

Still, the four enjoyed each other's company always looking forward to their walks in the Haunted Forest. Often they would be in Louve's glade with Diavol lying down and Louve lying next to him with her head on his back. Corbcer would be perched in a tree, or on the ground and Ravenwolf would be sitting on a log or leaning against a tree explaining things that he thought she needed to know for her training. Of course he never told her that because she was yet unaware of the plan.

Unulr_u was in a quandary on how to destroy Ravenwolf. iT seemed each time they met he was more powerful. iT would never forget the pain iT had felt when Ravenwolf hurled the light purplish ball of light at iT. Unulr_u did not know that Ravenwolf could not just do that at will so had decided the only way to kill Ravenwolf was through trickery and with that iTs plan began to unfold.

Unulr_u could indeed be in more than one place at a time and shape changing for iT was nothing. iTs plan was to find out the next time Ravenwolf was in the valley where he got his totems. 

Unulr_u would then turn iTself into a large pack of wolves, get close to the three by making them think it was a friendly pack and then pounce on all three killing them at once. The problem was iT did not know where Ravenwolf was for iT did not know that Ravenwolf was also now a Schimba Forma and had changed himself into a young man.

One day when Louve was telling Ravenwolf about her weapons he asked if she could take him to her house and show them to him. 

Louve knew that Ravenwolf had similar weapons and was excited to show them to him and impress him with how good she was. What she didn't know was that through Corbcer's eyes he had already seen and was very impressed.

She showed him what she could do with the bow and arrows, spears, tomahawks and the throwing knives. He acted duly impressed which was easy to do because she was already superior to the vast majority of the Corb Lupian warriors and they were the best in all of Planet_ Verde.

Louve then asked him to show her what he could do. We need to remember that he was the best in all of Corb Lupia and not just by a little bit. 

After he had given her a demonstration she gasped and said, “That is not possible, you cannot be human!”

He smiled at her and said, “Am I worthy of a goddess?”

And then more seriously, “Louve, I truly believe with the right training you will be able to surpass me. Would you let me train you, not just in this, but in the complete Warrior Training Program?”

She gave him a questioning look and answered, “Yes, but why?”

He responded, “You have no idea who we believe you are and how important you are to the future of my world. I guess this is the time to tell you about who I am and why I was sent here. I just don't know how to start.”

Louve had a dismayed look on her face and said angrily, “Your future? Your world? Why you were sent here? Am I a part of a project? A plan?”

Then she gave Ravenwolf a hard stare and whispered, “I can't believe how you have been using me; get out, get out of my house and get out of my life. I don't want be around you anymore for I cannot trust you!” 

She then turned and ran into her house.

Ravenwolf whispered under his breath as he left, “What an idiot I am.  I can surf the galaxies but I am too damn stupid to know how to talk to the woman I love!”

Louve for her part was furious with Ravenwolf but more furious with herself for allowing herself to become so upset. That was because she thought he was doing what he was doing, not because he cared for her, but because his world needed her. But why did she get so emotional? Then with a start, she realized that her love for him was changing to that of a woman for a man and she was distressed.

Ravenwolf did not go to the tavern that night. Every time the door opened Louve looked up and was always disappointed when it was not him. When she went home she was still upset, angry and, oh so sad. 

She said to herself, “Enough of this! I want back the love and peace which has been with me!” So she decided to meditate.

While she was meditating, The Way entered into her and put her in a deep trance. It then took her essence out of her body and out of time. The next thing she knew, she was looking down into a valley and she saw Ravenwolf walk through it to a stream. Then she saw him call Diavol and Corbcer to him and the storm appeared. She felt the pure evil that iT was and saw iT chase the three trying to destroy them, but they escaped. 

Next she was in the meeting of the Consiliu Intelepti and heard Ravenwolf explain what Unulr_u was and what they would have to do if they were to stop iT. Much of this Louve did not understand because she was not familiar with the concept of the merging, or of the Cosmic Stream.

She saw him as he surfed the Cosmic Stream, created the supernova and saw her mother's response to it. Then she was in her own valley and saw the love that Vulpe and Ravenwolf had for each other. 

This was followed by her being on the battlefield between the Corb Lupians and the Bivolians. She saw the Black Cloud and knew what iT was. She saw Ravenwolf, Corbcer and Diavol run to the top of the hill and Ravenwolf roar at Unulr_u. She saw iT build up iTs power and get ready to strike the three. Then she saw the light purplish ball of light fly out of the sky and cover them for protection and then Ravenwolf hurling it at Unulr_u. She felt his pain and exhaustion and she was overwhelmed with empathy for his suffering, tears welling up in her eyes. 

Again she was at a different place and recognized it as the road she and her mother would take to their glade. She saw the black cloud trying to capture her mother and The Way saving her soul taking it home and she wept.

Next she was in Ravenwolf's bedroom and saw his dream, felt his hate and then his despair. 

Lastly Louve was looking upon her, yelling at him, telling him to go away. She saw herself run into the house and Ravenwolf turning away saying, “What an idiot I am; I can surf the galaxies but I am too damn stupid to know how to talk to the woman I love.” 

She was back into her body and The Way was gone. Louve got up and stumbled into her bed. The last thing she remembered thinking was, “He has suffered so much, but he truly loves me!” With a content smile she went to sleep.

And the Cosmic Stream Flows on…

