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“I'll bet the more mature Charlie Evans is right there on your bridge standing beside you, Jim, isn't that so? I know he's there because I can sense his presence! A living god like me, of course, would know it as soon as another god trifles with him as naughty Charlie is doing right now. Okay, Charlie, let me speak to you for a moment. I don't know where your powers come from, but putting my crews to sleep was a good trick. I am trying to undo what you did, but so far I can't figure out how. So be it.

“Charlie, two can play your little game. See if you can fix a broken crew on board the Enterprise. I double dare you!"

Suddenly everyone on the bridge except Charlie Evans was keeled over writhing in what looked like agonizing pain! Charlie saw what was happening and shouted to Kirk:

"Captain, it's the same for everyone on board the Enterprise except me!"

Kirk shouted at Charlie:

"Try and fix it Charlie, concentrate now!"

Kirk could see Charlie focusing his attention as his eyes rolled back in his head. Charlie remained in that posture for a minute then he relaxed.

"I can't fix it, Sir! Gary Mitchell is too powerful! We have to get out of here far enough away from him that my powers can take over!

Kirk saw Charlie concentrating again then a minute later most of his agonizing pain began to subside.

"It's getting better now, Sir! The further away we get, the better things will be!

Kirk asked the next logical question to Charlie:

"Charlie what did you manage to do for us?"

Charlie smiled:

"I just teleported the entire Enterprise and her crew as far away from Gary Mitchell as I could manage! Gary's powers are like mine. There's a practical limit as to the range of our powers. I'm sorry I am not strong enough to fight him, Sir, really I am!"

Kirk replied:

"It's okay, Charlie. I know you did your best. We'll get further away from Gary Mitchell and regroup elsewhere where it's safe and figure out what we can try next together later."

Kirk could see Captain Sulu was back at the helm:

Mr. Sulu get us the hell out of here warp-4!"

Sulu replied:

"I am plotting a course in the opposite direction, Captain. Engaging the warp drive to warp factor four!"

Uhura was back at her post reporting the casualties:

"Captain, we have reports from all over the ship of severe injuries and an uncounted number of fatalities. I will keep you apprised and these reports come in, Sir."

"Thank you, Uhura, keep me posted."

Just then Dr. McCoy nailed Kirk's console:

"Captain Kirk…Jim! I can't be sure exactly what Gary Mitchell did to the crew, but I do know it was some kind of attack on the central nervous system causing searing pain and paralysis!  Whatever he did it was also lethal among any number of crewmen! Sickbay is overrun with injured crewman and the morgue is already full! I'm sorry, Jim, but we don't have room for all of these corpses! We're going to have to beam most of them into space as soon as you give that order!"

Kirk replied:

"Alright, Bones, I understand your situation, so do whatever needs to be done and report back as soon as you can."

"Charlie, Mr. Spock, you're with me!"         

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