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Just then Sulu gasped and fell unconscious. McCoy spoke:

"That's going to be it for now, Jim. In Sulu's weakened condition I don't dare give him more Cordrazine."

Kirk was perplexed and somewhat stunned by what Sulu said:

"Bones, can what Sulu just said be true or is he delusional?"

McCoy replied:

"Sulu's head injury has been repaired, and though he's weak, that shot of Cordrazine would clear any fog in his mind. Sulu is the very last Starfleet officer I could imagine would be delusional even if he got hit on the head recently."

Kirk frowned:

"Can Gary Mitchell actually be alive and responsible for everything that's taking place right now? Could Gary have survived being crushed by a huge boulder?"

McCoy scratched his head:

"With the kind of powers we saw Gary develop, anything is possible. You'll recall nobody stuck around Delta Vega to find out and since we all assumed Gary was killed, and because that mining station is automated, nobody ever went there to find out if he survived all this time. That was what, 20 odd years ago?"

Kirk replied: 

"Bones, what if Gary did survive and for that long? And what if more recently somebody did find him on Delta Vega? If Gary still had his powers, he could easily have taken control of those people and commandeered their ship. What if that's what took place and Gary took that ship to Earth to conquer the Federation and to assume the throne as a living god? We know Gary considered himself to be a god and he looked at normal humans like insects.  He said so himself, did he not?"

McCoy frowned and nodded his head in agreement:

"Yes, of course, everything you just said makes sense. The question is, now that Gary Mitchell may be alive and escaped from Delta Vega, what the hell are we supposed to do about it? Don't forget, Jim, didn't Sulu just say Gary asked him specifically where to find the Enterprise? It's probable that Gary blames you for his exile, and he's looking for the Enterprise because he found out you're still in command of her and is seeking his revenge. That means we're all in big trouble, does it not?"

Kirk nodded in agreement:

"You're damn right, Bone's! We've got to act fast and figure out how to evade getting caught by Gary's strike force! I have an idea. I've got to get back to the bridge."

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