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Unulrău Returns
Mick Stratton

Love cannot understand Hate, always looking for the good. Hate cannot understand Love, always looking for the selfish motive and the joy in hurting…

Unulrău had been looking throughout the Universe for Ravenwolf because iT feared him, thinking Ravenwolf had the capability to thwart iT’s plan to destroy all of Planet_ Verde with iT’s Hate.

Now it might seem strange to you that Unulrău could not find Ravenwolf so there are some things about Unulrău you should know. iT could see all things physical and, of course iT could feel hate wherever it dwelt. The more the hate, the more iT recognized it in a self-aware being and the easier to find that being, enter him, and turn him into a disciple. If Unulrău knew where someone was who lacked hate, or ran across that person, iT would be able to recognize the lack of hate, but could not locate him except through visual contact. This was the reason the Mysterious Woman could enter into the dreams of Vulpe and Ravenwolf for she knew where they were. 

However, Unulrău had not realized that Ravenwolf had the ability to be a shape changer, so iT never suspected that he had changed himself into a young man with black hair and Diavol back to being a black wolf; so this, iT and iT’s disciples were not looking for.

As for Louve, The Way had put a shield around her that made her seem innocent, weak and a little flaky so she did not seem to be a possible threat of any kind when any of the disciples met her.

In all the worlds and dimensions there are many with very little, or in some rare cases not any, hate within them so the absence of hate was not of much value in detecting Ravenwolf.

Unulrău would check the valley on occasion for any human life but had not done so for a number of months. iT was frustrated iT could not find Ravenwolf, but kept on looking. 

When Koracki entered the tavern and Henri talked to him, one of Unulrău's disciples overheard part of the conversation and his ears pricked up when he heard the name Blaidd mentioned.

He started to think about what had been happening with the huge black wolf showing up recently, then the black haired stranger, Koracki, and the friendship that had developed between him and Louve.

He started telling others of the disciples of Unulrău about it and in a very short time Unulr_u became aware. As Unulrău pondered on this, iT realized that Ravenwolf might have found a way to become young again. It was time for iT to return to the valley and destroy anything human that may be on the wolf side of the barrier.

Ravenwolf for his part had been doing something he had not told Louve about. When she would leave to go to the tavern to work he would often turn himself into a wolf and run with Diavol and other wolves in the valley. At other times he would turn himself into a raven and fly with Corbcer. He could also turn Diavol into a raven and Corbcer into a wolf, though they could not do it themselves. He did this because it delighted him and he also felt that in the future it may be of value, so this was a form of self-training. 

Of course he did not tell Louve because then she would lord it over him that she was right all along, her being a woman and all.

When Louve had told Ravenwolf that Unulrău was going to be coming soon he knew he needed to act fast before iT arrived.

The first thing he did was to ask Louve to tell Henri and Rand she was going to go on a trip. That night Louve said to them both, “I am going to go on a trip very soon and may not be back for a while.”

Rand said, “Louve, we love you so much and will worry; do you want one of us to go with you?”

“No, Koracki will accompany me and he makes an excellent bodyguard.”

There was no doubt in either of their minds that this would be true, then Henri said, “Why are you going and where?”

Louve responded, “I won't tell you the details because I can't, but it has to do with my future.”

Henri asked, “Is Koracki a part of your future?”

She gave a feint smiled and said, “Yes.”

Well, Henri and Rand thought the two were going away to get married and since they really liked Koracki and had had that talk with him about his intentions, they just smiled and said, “Have a wonderful trip.” And both of them kissed her.

The next day during training Ravenwolf told Louve that they were going to do something different. They went to the first stepping off place and he asked her to step off into the Cosmic Stream. He then told Corbcer and Diavol to wait there for their return. Next he stepped in to the Cosmic Stream himself.

When she saw him appear she smiled and her heart was filled with joy. As great as it had been going into the Cosmic Stream, it was so much better to be there with the man that she loved. 

As she looked at him he smiled and a silver disk appeared under his feet, he reached out for her hand, she took it and stepped onto the disk herself. And then at a speed beyond comprehension they were flying through the galaxy, oh the thrill and the joy she felt!

Louve and Ravenwolf circled stars, observed planets in their orbits, some with moons, some without and just traversed the different galaxies as Ravenwolf desired. Louve touched Ravenwolf and he put his arm around her; just the two of them, alone in the whole Universe, soaring, flying, surfing through it all. 

He thought to her, “Try controlling the disk.”

She tried and she did!

Then they returned to Earth.  Louve was beside herself with utter joy; sheturned to him, and they kissed. 

That night she stayed in the cabin. They ate dinner and they went to sleep, he in his room and she in the other.

In the morning during breakfast she asked, “Will we do that again today?”

“Yes, several times. We are going to need to leave here soon and this is the only way we can get to Planet_ Verde. I want you to be as familiar with the silver disk as possible.”

In the morning they went to one of the stepping off points for the Cosmic Stream to practice. Ravenwolf asked her to hold his hand as they were going to jump directly into the Cosmic Stream. Once someone became an Om Deluminii, he could go directly into the Cosmic Stream without needing to say, “Curs de Apa Cosmic” or step on the spot. Of course his Companions, when with him, could also do so. By holding hands with Louve, she would enter with him. They spent the morning practicing with all four of them entering at the same time with the disk expanding as needed. Ravenwolf spent much of the time allowing Louve to practice steering the disk.

That afternoon, they walked through the valley with Corbcer flying overhead and Diavol at their side. Ravenwolf saw all that the raven and wolf could see and as clearly as they saw it, for the three's minds were perfectly merged. As for Louve, she could see shapes and colors but could not make out any details.

That night they ate dinner and went to bed in their separate rooms. Sometime during the night Louve got up and went into Ravenwolf's room, climbed into his bed and they made love for the first time. When two people understand each other as well as they did, love each other as they did, their lovemaking is not of the body only, but of their souls as well, and that kind of love making is beyond description…

The next morning they got up to go back to the Cosmic Stream to practice and just enjoy the surfing. As they walked, Ravenwolf began to feel the presence of Hate in the valley and knew that Unulrău was there! He remembered what The Way had told him about why the Mysterious Lady was allowed to put hate in him and now was glad for it.

As they approached the spot they saw a large pack of wolves approaching; Diavol growled softly and Corbcer cawed loudly. Ravenwolf whispered to Louve, “It is Unulrău; be ready to sprint and jump into the Cosmic Stream.” 

Unulr_u thought iT had them as the wolves approached because Ravenwolf seemed so unconcerned. iT was confused about the woman being there but did not care. She would be just another for iT to get joy from killing. Then the wolves attacked!

As fast as the wolves were, the four were faster and as the lead wolves leapt upon them they disappeared! Unulrău screamed with rage and hate for being thwarted again! Then a fear entered into iT. The woman looked a lot like Vulpe. Had Vulpe come back? If she had, there was a reason for it and Unulrău knew this was not good for iT’s plans.

As for the four? They landed on the silver disk and soared off into the galaxy ending up in Oras din Corbul, the Capitol of Corb Lupia.

Once they arrived, Ravenwolf immediately contacted his father and said, “Could you call for a meeting of the Consiliu Intelepti? I have had another encounter with Unulrău and most importantly I have brought Louve back with me, and she is now an Om Intelept!”

The news spread like wildfire, Ravenwolf was back and he had brought someone special back with him. Who, why, what was going on? That evening the Consiliu Intelepti was going to meet. No one, not even Ravenwolf's parents had had time to meet Louve. 

As the four were going to the meeting, Louve was looking around in amazement. All the people she saw were in such perfect health. In fact, they were all very beautiful and athletic looking. The buildings and streets were exact and the efficiency of transportation was beyond compare. She was in awe of the beauty and perfection of Oras din Corbul.

She was also extremely nervous. What would the Consilui Intelepti be like? Would they accept her, like her? How should she act? She looked at Ravenwolf for some kind of encouragement. Feeling her nervousness, he smiled and thought to her, “They will love you and accept you; just be the wonderful Louve that you are and all will be well.”

When Ravenwolf, Louve and the companions entered the council room, all the Om Intelepti were already there. When they first saw Louve they were struck by two things; first was how absolutely beautiful she was and second was the aura that emitted from her. They immediately knew she was a peer…if not more.

Ravenwolf introduced her to them telling them that she had completed the transition and was an Om Intelept. He did not do this in a defensive manner but more in the style that you might introduce a friend and say she had just recently completed her PhD. in something or other. He also informed them that she was aware of all aspects of the plan and was willing to do whatever was needed. After seeing her enter the room, none of the Om Intelepti were surprised and had assumed as much. 

Ravenwolf continued, “Unulrău had found out that I was in the valley and iT had come there to destroy me. If there are any of you that have any doubts about iT being able to be in more places than one, this should dispel that. Unulrău turned iTself into a pack of wolves and attacked us.

“Unfortunately iT saw that Louve was with me and now surely knows she is of great importance to us. Unulr_u may also suspect that she is an Om Intelept because of the ease and self-assuredness she leapt into the Cosmic Stream.

“Her progression has been amazing and I feel confident that she has what it takes to be an Om Deluminii. Her relationship with The Way already seems to be near equal to mine, and that is on the level of an Om Deluminii.”

Then Corbalb spoke up (for he had returned from the south) “What about the merging of you two? Has The Way given you any information concerning that? Can it be done?”

Ravenwolf answered, “As of yet, no. But because of all the other things The Way has been informing us of and because of the speed of her advancement, I am more confident than ever it can be achieved; though I have no idea how or where to begin.” 

“Then where do we go from here?” chimed in Corbulom.

Ravenwolf replied, “What I plan to do has never been done since there has only been four Cele Luminat (Enlightened Ones) in our known history. I am going to train her to be one. With the help of The Way, I think I can do it. Corbalb, what did you learn concerning the Mysterious Woman and the Bivolians?”

“She has moved faster than we would ever have imagined. She has conquered every country in the south and now is in the process of recruiting and training the soldiers from the different countries. She is only accepting those who are the cruelest and most full of hate. As of now she has over 500,000 soldiers in her army. When I left, fifty-two of her Elite Guard were preparing to return to Oras de Ur_ (Capitol of Bivol), though I have no idea what for. 

“Miclupea believes we have the right to strike at them because the Bivolians attacked our city and that amounts to a declaration of war. I think most of us agree, though we have not discussed it as of yet; that is what we were going to do in our next meeting.”

Ravenwolf asked the Council if there was anyone who disagreed. No one raised any argument against it so Doethblaidd brought it to a vote. The Om Intelepti were unanimous in their agreement.

Then Miclupea looked at Louve and said- “Louve, you have not said a word. Is there anything you wish to say or share with us?”

“As you are surely aware the changes in my life in these last several months has been beyond understanding. Between Ravenwolf and The Way I have grown at a rate that is incomprehensible to me. 

“The Cosmic Stream never existed in my mind and now I could not live without its beauty. Your city, the people I have seen and then meeting all of you, give me so much joy and such a feeling of peace and love. I am so honored that you have so easily accepted me and I will do whatever is needed of me to make your, and now my, cause succeed.

“If you plan, as I suspect you will, to attack the fifty-two of her Elite Guard, I beseech you to let me be among those who go. (This last part was spoken because she knew that was what The Way wanted her to say).”

The Consilui Intelepti decided to meet again the next day to formulate a plan with regard to the fifty-two Elite Guard and adjourned.

And The Cosmic Stream Flows On…

