We’re Doomed!

Bill Neinast


There must be a name for it.  If there is, it is probably a hard to pronounce Latin medical term for an unusual brain condition.

The condition appears primarily in climatologists and environmentalists.  This brain abnormality limits the individual’s mental ability to reading and interpreting thermometers, tree rings, and ice cores from the long frozen arctic.

Based on limited observations, the alarmists are screaming that the human race is doomed.  “Look,” they say, “the climate is changing.  The earth is heating up, the ice caps are melting, and the oceans are rising. We humans have caused this, and we are doomed as a result.”

What a shame those alarmists are incapable of considering just a bit of history with the atmospheric findings and predictions they are reading on computer screens.

If they would step away from those computers for just a moment and try to remember some history they may have been exposed to way back in grade school, they might be able to quit sweating in fear a bit.

The earth’s climate has changed constantly since day one of creation.  When humans appeared on this planet they began adapting to their surroundings on the first day of their existence.

Although there is no written record, this is probably what happened many millennia ago.  Some of our ancestors were standing around the body of the ancestor of a buffalo they had stoned to death.  They had just skinned the carcass with rocks they had fashioned into cutting tools when a wet, blue norther blew in.  

One of the enterprising hunters instinctively covered himself with the hide lying at his feet.  He immediately realized that the much thicker skin on an animal could protect his thin skin from the elements.  As soon as he could, he hacked a hole in the middle of the skin, stuck his head through it, and draped the rest over his shoulders.  And so clothing was born as an adaptation to changing weather.

Now speed forward to about 5,500 years ago.  That is when Ötzi roamed the Tyrollean Mountains.  His mummified remains were discovered in those mountains in 1991 and he is usually referred to as the Tyrollean Iceman.  

Ötzi’s clothes are described as sophisticated. He wore a cloak made of woven grass and a coat, a belt, a pair of leggings, a loincloth and shoes, all made of leather of different skins.

Now consider the adaptation of round, rolling stones into the high speed vehicles we run around in today.  

Do not forgot how our ancestors learned that they did not have to wait for lightning to start fires. Once they found they could start a fire by knocking some stones together, they found that cooked meat and vegetables tasted better then raw. 

Then they captured steam produced by the fire and used it as an engine to move things. Steam and other innovations were adapted into mechanical devices that cooled the air which, since the middle of the last century, has reenergized the southern United States as a mega for all types of businesses.

Finally, Americans have adopted an adaptation of the Indians who occupied this land before Columbus.  Local economies and those in Florida and other southern states benefit from the “Winter Texans”  who flee the ice of their northern states.

If summer temperatures get too high in the South, the North may see an influx of “Summer Minnesotans, Wisconsin’s, etc.”  Actually, some of my friends are already “Summer Coloradans.”

This discussion of how humans have grown and conquered every environment imaginable could go on for many pages.  The climatologists and environmentalists could provide a real service if they would divert their attention from temperature charts and have their computers concentrate on human adaptation.

Look at the advantages of longer and hotter summers and how humans may adapt to them.  A couple of benefits of this scary (to some) global warming jump out.   

Vegetable growing seasons will be longer so food production can keep up with the increasing number of mouths to feed.

Rising ocean levels mean there will be an unending source of water for growing those crops and keeping humans hydrated.  Necessity will spur human adaptability to improve and speed desalination and water distribution systems.

Air conditioning systems will be developed and improved to cool larger spaces inside and outside of structure.

So here’s the perspective.

The climate is changing.  It has been changing since the beginning of time.  Human activity might be contributing to the current warming trend, but probably not.

Most of the formation and melting of the three ice ages occurred before humans appeared.  What caused the melting of all that ice?  Was there global warming way back then?

Humans are the cause of most human deaths.  Wars and senseless violence between two or more humans takes many, many more lives than any weather conditions in the past, currently, or in the future.

The weather hand wringers could be much more helpful if they devoted their research dollars to finding ways to reduce human violence. 

Will their brain abnormality permit such a switch in perspective?  



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