Christmastime is Here
December 2013
Merry Christmas!
Well we all survived the longest night, some have endured the longest lines, and now it’s here, the day to enjoy the closeness of family, the briskness of winter air, and the wildness of gifting in the morning.
Yesterday was the big meal. We wrestled a huge turkey from the brine, picked fresh sage from the windowsill garden, stuffed the stuffing and slid the sage beneath the skin. We spent the rest of the afternoon making squash, potatoes, corn, rolls, gravy, green beans in bacon, and a berry tart. It kept us busy, planning pan and burner utilization, and standing back from time to time, I could see my daughters, matured, skilled, focused yet still taking moments to enjoy each other as sisters.
I think all parents like this part of Christmas; the excitement on their faces, especially as they hand others their gifts. I think the shift from the thrill of getting to the thrill of giving is a big step in life. Realizing that we get more when we give is one of the indicators of adulthood; I think, and connecting giving to happiness might be the key to satisfaction and fulfillment as an adult.
We’re about ready to head over to my favorite younger daughter’s apartment for gifting. I’m missing the one who holds my heart, but if travel goes well, I’ll be holding her hand tomorrow and missing my daughters. Its a complicated life, but we all stretch a little to touch those near and dear to us during the holidays.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Be good to each other! Be good gifters and gracious giftees!