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Economy Blues

Corky Cummings


Back in the 50’s there was a television show called Amos and Andy which had mostly Black actors. At that time things were not as politically correct as they are today so there is no way the show would be allowed on TV in today’s environment. 

The main characters on the show were George “Kingfish” Stevens, Andy Brown, Amos, Lightning (the janitor) and Calhoun (a lawyer). Andy was not the smartest of people so Kingfish was frequently attempting to take advantage of his lack of intelligence. In one episode, Kingfish wanted to get Andy to invest in some business venture so he asked him how much he could put in. Andy said, “Well if I close my checking account and my Christmas savings account and ‘liquify’ all my investments, I could probably come up with about $9.00.” Andy did not have much in the way of assets but he was diversified.

Andy’s financial position reminds me somewhat of my own. Patti and I have a couple of investments but the way the stock market has moved this year it won’t be long till we are in the same situation as Andy. It is painful to see the decline in value that occurs daily so I have gotten to the point where I don't look anymore. Of course, not everything has gone down. The price of gasoline has gone in the other direction. I filled up at Costco this week and was somewhat happy that the price was only $5.10 a gallon for regular. Wow! What an improvement. 

Normally I don’t talk or write about politics because I am not smart enough to discuss the subject intelligently. However, it doesn’t take a genius to see what is happening to our country’s economy right now. I am not and never have been a supporter of Donald Trump but since Joe Biden has been in office everything seems to have gone downhill in a hurry. I think his heart may be in the right place but the rest of him should have been put out to pasture long ago.   As one of my good friends once said, “All a Democrat knows how to do is spend money.” Biden is the epitome of that quote. 

What is really scary is who would take over if Biden was unable to complete his term. I think if you were to look up the word clueless in the dictionary, it would include Kamala Harris in the definition. I for the life of me have no idea what she is saying when she is interviewed by television or newspaper journalists. I’m not sure that she knows either. For some reason she feels that laughing while being questioned is acceptable and by attempting to keep things on a lighter note she deflects from her lack of knowledge. Hopefully Biden can be propped up until 2024 so things don’t get worse. 

California, where I live, is a huge Democrat state and some of our neighbors bleed blue so I am careful to not discuss anything political in their company. If I did I would have to throw a piece of meat in the room before I walked in because incompetence doesn’t override their fierce loyalty to the party.  However, if I ever change my mind I think the one question I would ask them is to name anything that has improved in the country since Biden was elected. His approval rating needs to be judged by more than the fact that he isn’t Donald Trump. However, whether you like Biden or hate him just cross your fingers that we never have to survive a Kamala presidency.
