Escape to the Mountains
I get up in the morning, make the coffee, cook some cream of wheat or fix some eggs. Then I clean up the sink from dinner last night, empty the dishwasher and fill it again. I sit down in the recliner and turn on the TV, clicking through the news channels. About this time Betty wakes up and comes in saying, "Turn off that mess with the talking heads." She makes a fruit and supplement smoothie which she shares with me. We then do the fifteen minute Yoga Stretch program on cable TV. After that we have a discussion on what to do with our day. Usually Betty picks up a romance novel and reads until lunch. I may read or check out an interesting program on TV.... usually a documentary or nature program. Sometime between twelve and one the conversation starts about lunch. It concludes with the question from Betty.. "So where are you taking me for lunch?" We go grab some fast food or maybe share something at a restaurant. We then run some errands ... library, grocery, Walmart, gas station, bank. By that time, I am ready for a nap. Usually read until I fall asleep. After nap time I walk the yard. Right now we have apples ready to pick and maybe a few tomatoes or squash to check out. I also feed the goldfish in a little pond we have and check on the bird feeder and water the potted plants. I will walk across the street and check the mail at the neighborhood mail box station and pick up any trash that has blown in. Then I hit the TV again to watch the news from five to six .. local and national. Again the conversation about meals comes up and Betty and I usually have a discussion about how she cooked for fifty years and is not doing that anymore. Most times I will grill some kind of meat on the outside grill... chicken, fish, steak .. scratch or something pre-marinated or stuffed from the store. Betty will make some vegetables or starch side... pasta or potatoes. We often open a bottle of wine and share a glass before and/or during dinner. The TV is switched to programs we like...Big Bang Theory, The Good Wife, Chicago Fire or we put on a movie.. something from the library or Netflix. If there is nothing good on TV we usually read. (I usually go through two or three books a week... Betty will read five to seven.) By nine PM I am ready for bed... Betty stays up til eleven to twelve.
The above is why we went to the mountains last week... We were driving ourselves and each other...nuts!
Leaving the valley, Interstate 70 continues west over Vail Pass and enters the Vail valley on the other side. Vail is a ski town developed in the 1950's/60's with rich people in mind. It has a European flavor and was a favorite of President Gerald Ford, although lots of famous people have vacationed here over the years. It was near Camp Hale, the Army 10th Mountain Division training area in WWII. Some men in that Division came back after WWII and started the ski area as a destination resort. Unlike the Dillon valley, there was no town here before the ski area.
We ended up spending three days on the road, seeing beautiful scenery and enjoying great weather and having marvelous food.
Now it’s back to morning coffee, smoothies, feeding the birds, trips to Walmart, and Betty declaring that after fifty years she’s finished with cooking.