We traveled to a lot of different bases in different states, Panama, and eastern France. We went to Phalsbourg, France, while I was in the ninth grade. I spent the tenth and eleventh grades at the Verdun American School, a five days a week boarding school, with other military, diplomatic, and civil service dependents.
After graduating from New Diana in Texas, I wandered aimlessly until Dad introduced me to a USAF recruiter. I graduated that tour with an honorable discharge. This remarkable achievement allowed me to matriculate at Sam Houston where I received a BS in physics in 1975.
I met John and Linda while teaching eight different math courses for two years at Somerville ISD. I wandered down to Houston and found an engineering programming job for Singer/Link at NASA JSC.
After three years at at Link, I started doing engineering contracting with different companies. I’ve been doing that all over the US since 1979.
I restored my Dads' old house in College Station and return there after a job is finished.
1 James Jutson, Jr.: American Hero
6 Aunt Rose of Scotland and Her Bible Tales
10 My Uncles: My Uncle Ishmael
12 Grandpa Just Kept on Working