I was born Grady N. Arnold, Jr. in Tampa, Florida, on the 6th of  June 1944.  Dad was off in the war in Europe; the Normandy invasion had just begun that morning. Dad was an East Texas farm boy. Mother was born in an unincorporated town called Jamestown next to Portage, Pennsylvania.

We traveled to a lot of different bases in different states, Panama, and eastern France.  We went to Phalsbourg, France, while I was in the ninth grade. I spent the tenth and eleventh grades at the Verdun American School, a five days a week boarding school, with other military, diplomatic, and civil service dependents.

After graduating from New Diana in Texas, I wandered aimlessly until Dad introduced me to a USAF recruiter. I graduated that tour with an honorable discharge. This remarkable achievement allowed me to matriculate at Sam Houston where I received a BS in physics in 1975.

I met John and Linda while teaching eight different math courses for two years at  Somerville ISD.  I wandered down to Houston and found an engineering programming job for Singer/Link at NASA JSC.

After three years at at Link, I started doing engineering contracting with different companies.  I’ve been doing that all over the US since 1979. 

I restored my Dads' old house in College Station and return there after a job is finished. 



1    James Jutson, Jr.: American Hero

2    A Farewell from Marcie

3    The Super 8 Lifestyle

4    The Watchers

5    Tales from My Grandmothers

6   Aunt Rose of Scotland and Her Bible Tales

7    West Tyler Automotive

8    My Recurring Dream

9    My Uncles: My Uncle Earl

10    My Uncles: My Uncle Ishmael

11   My Uncles: My Uncle Joe

12    Grandpa Just Kept on Working

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