It’s My Birthday

I guess I shouldn't complain about my birthday considering my health problems for the last couple of years, but I will---aargh! Enough said.
Well, what’s going on in the world around me on my birthday? Today is the second day of the Masters. I always equate the arrival of spring with the arrival of the Masters. I haven't played for a couple of years…I miss it, but…. The Democrats and Republicans are awaiting the release of the Mueller Report. Linda is off this morning to a funeral of a local lady who was loved by many. Last evening Linda and I attended a meet-the-candidates event at the local Masonic Lodge. Linda, who has served fifteen years on the local school board, is running for a position again this year. I have little doubt that she will win again, but if she doesn't, the world will go on without interruption. I expect my nephew, Josh, will drop by after school today. Thanks to Josh for handling the drainings of my pleural cavity for over a year. I found a post from Josh on Facebook wishing me a happy birthday: “We kept you alive for another year so you can harass liberals.” Speaking of liberals, I haven't spanked them much lately because they've been so busy spanking themselves…bless their hearts.
Believe it or not, I actually have plans for the “future”...and God laughed.
I’m hoping to make a comeback with my painting. I've painted practically nothing for the last couple of months. When I dropped my brush, I had 46 fairly large abstracts completed to go along with my 100 11x14s. I need four more 32x32 abstract paintings. I've got an eye out for a gallery that truly likes abstracts…particularly mine.
My biggest accomplishment lately has been the publication of my second book, Old Guy: I'm Still Here. I'm going to announce its publication this Sunday, the 14th, the same day that I publish the April edition of Old Art Guy (, my online magazine. I like to give folks a chance to turn down the opportunity to purchase my books. It’s only fair.
The last week of this month, I plan to deliver three paintings to The Frame Gallery in Bryan and three paintings to The Gallery at Round Top. When I do, maybe they'll have payments for past paintings sold…maybe.
I just realized that I'm just listing my plans for the next couple of weeks. Surely, I can do better than that.
Wisdom---I need to share the wisdom I've gained in the last 77 years. Sorry. I have none. Well, maybe the wisdom my father shared with me about the simplicity of being a plumber, “Remember, son, shit flows down hill.”
Well, I guess what I gained from those words of wisdom is that life ain't too complicated. Stick with the basics and don't mislead yourself into believing that you are someone you ain’t. Wow, I got a lot out of those few words of advice.