Memoirs of an Alleged Educator
The good news is that as a retired educator of 32 years, I have enjoyed many, many amusing moments. The bad news, of course, is that I can remember so few of them! I’ll attempt to jog the old memory banks and see what falls out.
I began my career in education as a small school band director. Being the distinguished Director of Music in a small school entailed directing the High School Band at football games, concerts, and competitions. I also taught a six-seventh-grade band and a beginner fifth-grade band. Of course, that wasn’t enough to keep a full-time educator busy, so I also taught basic music reading to a fourth-grade recorder class plus I taught Elementary Music to all of the fourth, fifth, and sixth graders. To round out my day, I also presided over a high school study hall and drove a school bus. I was busy enough.
Kids often miss the crux of a teacher’s impassioned plea. A friend of mine at the same school shared her efforts to inspire her students to greater productivity by pointing out how quickly the time was passing. It must have gone something like this: “Boys and girls, you’ve got to keep working! Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and before you know it, Christmas will be here soon followed by Easter, Memorial Day, and the end of school.” Up shoots a hand, “Miss, are we skipping Valentine’s Day this year??”
Speaking of tryouts, these students also had rules for challenges whereby one could improve his seating by challenging (and beating) the person immediately ahead of him. The procedure involved writing the name of the person being challenged on a piece of paper, turning it in, then after an appropriate amount of time, I would listen to the playoff. One day I was accepting the challenges and one boy turned in a piece of paper that contained a single word: Kotex. When he saw the puzzled expression on my face, his own face took on a look of panic, and he quickly took it back and handed me another paper with a student’s name on it. I did not make an issue of it----then or later-----but I’m guessing that he accidentally gave me his Mom’s grocery list for after school. Poor kid.
Each class of students has its own collective personality. Some classes have more personality than others. I fondly remember one such class in my early years of teaching. The girls especially were bright, imaginative, and eager to tackle any new idea. In fact, they carried this a bit too far one time. As the school’s band director, it fell on me to direct the children’s chorus when the 4th-6th Grade building performed a program. This was WAY back in the day before the pressures of excessive testing, so the different buildings of this small school took turns preparing elaborate programs for different seasons. One of the teachers for this group was an excellent pianist, so we ultimately did several programs together. The girls in the afore-mentioned class thought we made a perfect couple and almost insisted that we get married! We tried to discourage such talk by pointing out that we were BOTH already married, so the girls decided that our respective spouses could also marry, making everyone happy!
After burning out as a band director, I returned to education as a math teacher. My favorite subject in the mathematical arena was Geometry, where I taught that congruence was a concept of equality between two shapes or objects. One morning a very disinterested senior, whom I had placed on the front row to “increase his chances for success,” stared down at my feet and said, “Mr. Tune, your socks are not congruent!” He was correct. I had donned one blue and one black sock that morning.
people that I knew, and I heard stories about – and met – some of the kids of people that I taught. They seemed to enjoy my stories of how things used to be, and I felt good about the overall experience. When we were saying our good-byes at the end, one lady who claims I taught her mother gushed praise upon me then motioned for her children to join us, one of whom was a current member of the high school band. She asked me to pose for a picture with her kids, and I was happy to oblige. Then it happened. (Is it too late to be scarred for life at 61?) As she was snapping the picture, she said, “Smile, kids! Mr. Tune taught your grandma!” My smile was somewhat forced.
I guess there are worse things than getting old, besides the obvious. I have been blessed with many fond memories over my 6-plus decades. I just wish I could remember more of them.