Sarah Hein Muñoz

Sarah Hein Muñoz, the eleventh and final child of Hugo and Nora Mae Hein grew up in Somerville, TX.  She attended church with her family.  When she was seven years old, she received Jesus Christ as her Savior. She graduated as valedictorian from Somerville High School in 1973.  Feeling led of the Lord, she attended and graduated with an Associate's degree from Midwest Bible Institute.  Following graduation, she became an assistant pastor at Decker Chapel near Tomball where her main ministry was youth and children, including the bus ministry.

In the fall of 1977, she enrolled in King's Way Missionary Institute, a one-year Spanish language school in McAllen, TX.  Upon completion, Sarah moved across the border to Reynosa, Mexico to work in an orphanage.  At the time she lived there, the orphanage only had a generator for electricity but not enough funds to run it all the time.  There was no refrigeration nor hot running water.  In the summer, sometimes the well would run dry and there would be no running water. The children and adults would have to bathe in the irrigation canal that ran by the orphanage. She was there for almost two years.

In 1980 she moved to Huntsville, TX and accepted the invitation of Pastor Roy Botard to conduct Spanish services at Life Temple church.  The result was becoming pastor of Templo de Vida for the next five years.

She married Neftalí Muñoz in 1982.  They are the proud parents of two married children and the proud grandparents of five grandchildren. When the children were young, they visited Neftali's native country, driving twice all the way through Mexico and Guatemala to arrive in El Salvador.  This was Sarah's first experience driving in mountains.  They saw fields of bananas, pineapples, and in El Salvador coffee growing on the mountainsides.  They also saw mountainsides on fire in Guatemala where farmers practiced slash burning to get ready to plant new crops.

Sarah has been the associate pastor of Abundant Life Full Gospel Church since the early1990's.   During this time, she took a correspondence course and received an Associate's degree from World Harvest Bible Training Center in Alaska. She has also been employed by the Huntsville Independent School District for 30 years.  Her heart's desire is for others to know the same Lord Jesus she came to know as a child.


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