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I am sorry Janice but it has to be me for more than one reason. To begin with, this is my fight against Gary Mitchell and actually I feel sorry for him that he was given powers like mine that he never asked for that changed him for the worse. He developed a god complex which I did not because I had the omnipotent Thasians to guide and help me the stronger I became, and because they came to fetch me from the Enterprise 20 years ago after I did abuse the powers they gave me. Gary was not as fortunate s me and I can sympathize with his fate so I want to correct that if I can. Also, there is always the chance that Captain Kirk I will meet in the past and he will not believe me or change his mind about that mission and in that case only I have the power to force him to change his mind. We know how headstrong Captain Kirk can be, right?"

Janice nodded in agreement:

"Okay, Charlie I see your, reasoning and I am inclined to agree with you. But if you get stuck in the past, that will be the end of our budding relationship, and I would hate to lose you like that just as we are getting to know and love each other."

Charlie felt exactly as Janice did about their new relationship:

"That's why, Janice, if the Guardian informs us I will indeed get stuck in the past over 20 years ago, I want you to travel into the past with me. Then even if its 20 years ago, we can still be together and even get married if you want."

Janice thought Charlie was being sweet as usual, but somewhat impractical:

"But Charlie if I go with you and get stuck in the past onboard the Enterprise 20 years ago won't that mean there will be two of me, my younger self and me now as my older self?  How can we fix something obviously distressing to my younger self like there being two of me?"

Charlie patted Janice's hand:

"That's easy Janice. I'll just turn you invisible so only I can see and hear you. Then as soon as I complete my mission and the past is fixed and Gary Mitchell is normal, you and I will go see Captain Kirk and ask him to give us a ride to Rigel, the planet I was scheduled to live on the first time I was onboard the Enterprise 20 years ago. Or we can go to Earth where you came from if that suits you better? Please won't you think it over, Janice? I just can't stand the idea of losing you now that I know what it's like being with you this way. I love you Janice. I have always loved you from the day I first laid eyes upon you. Hoping to see you again one day helped me not feel as lonely all those years back on Thasus. Then one day you came to get me! And here we are together! You're my biggest dream come true!"

Janice was visibly touched by what Charlie said to her and it made her cry:

"Okay, Charlie, if the Guardian says you can't come back from the past 20 years ago, I'll go with you into the past. As soon as we get there and you guys find out what will happen to you if you go to the past, if you can't come back, call the ship and I'll beam down with my suitcases already packed."

Now the happy couple embraced.


The day finally arrived when the Enterprise assumed orbit around the Guardian's barren, devoid of life planet. Charlie was called by Uhura to meet the Captain and Mr. Spock in the transporter room to beam down to the planet's surface in the near vicinity of the Guardian's location. The threesome materialized before the Guardian shortly afterwards.

Kirk and Spock escorted the curious looking Charlie Evans to stand directly in front of the Guardian of Forever. Mr. Spock posed his question:

"Guardian, we wish to know if this human being Charlie Evans travels to the past some 20, years ago to try and correct a disaster in the present, but in only a small change of the past of little consequence to history overall, will Charlie be able to return to the present? Just as Captain Kirk and I once returned from the past when we used you to step into the past to correct a major problem that totally eliminated our present."

The Guardian became illuminated and a dense white fog began to emanate within the gaping hole in its center as it began to speak in its hallowed voice:

"Those who enter the past, who are of little consequence, shall remain there!"

Kirk turned to Charlie, who heard what the Guardian just said:

"Well, Charlie, that just about does it! You heard what the Guardian just said. If you go through with this and step through this time portal to enter the past 20 years ago, you'll be trapped where you land permanently!"

Charlie knew what to say next:

"It's okay Captain. I prepared for this possibility ahead of time. For you see I am not planning to go into the past alone. Janice Rand has agreed to come with me with your permission. Janice and I are in love, Sir. I can fix the older Janice in the past to become invisible so the young Janice will never meet her. Then after I fix the past, I will ask you to give Janice and I a ride to whatever planet she decides upon, where we plan to get married and live happily ever after. I need you to agree to let Janice come with me, Jim. Will you call the ship to inform Janice it's time for us to go and for her to beam down with her suitcases?"

Captain Kirk as happy Charlie Evans wouldn't go into the past alone and he would have Janice there with him to keep him company for as long as their relationship or marriage lasted. Kirk contacted Uhura with his communicator and instructed her to inform Janice and she was to report to the transporter room with her suitcases. Then Kirk and Charlie waited for Janice to materialize to where they waited while Mr. Spock had the Guardian play back the Enterprise's past missions which he recorded with his tricorder so he would be able to slow down the images of the past to pinpoint the exact moment in time Charlie and Janice would step into the Guardian's time portal never to return.

Ten minutes later Spock was busy reviewing his recordings of the past missions when Janice Rand materialized near to them along with her three suit cases. Janice noticed the Captain saw her suitcases:

"Well, Captain, a girl needs enough clothes for the adventure, does she not?"

Kirk smiled and laughed:

"I guess so, Janice."

Charlie stepped forward and used his powers to cause Janice's three suitcases to float in the air and to follow them where they went next. Janice commented:

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