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The Psychotronic Twirler

Bob Hurt


The "psychotronic" twirler constitutes one of the few examples of actual visual art that I have created.  (For details, see Bobhurt ).

I got the twirler concept and initial template from Patrick Flanagan's work, but I perfected it mathematically in Corel Draw according to the Great Pyramid of Giza "Golden Ratio" (see below), designed the coloring, and implemented the end panel closures so that the folded object can serve as a double-ended set of pyramid-shaped containers for small items like jewelry, coins, or candy.  And local print shop Prints2Go will laser-print them on glossy heavy card stock for 50 cents each.  Then the crafter need only cut around the outline, fold on the dotted lines, and form the twirler shape. 

FYI, the twirler's built-in pyramids' faces each consist of a golden ratio isosceles triangle comprised of two of these right triangles back to back:

The “golden ratio” is based on Phi, the Greek letter φ (Alt-237 on the PC keyboard), the ONLY number whose square equals itself plus one, the ratio of the hypotenuse to the base of a right triangle.  In other words, φ2=φ+1. And in the golden ratio right triangle with base length of 1, the hypotenuse has length φ=(1+√5)/2. We derive that from Pythagoras’ quadratic formula where the square of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides. So, thegolden ratio is the ratio of φ, or approximately 1.618, to 1.  Thus, each half of the golden triangle has the proportions shown with base=1, slant=φ≈1.618, and height=√φ≈1.272.  We can only presume that the architect of the  Great Pyramid of Giza intended to employ the golden ratio as well because the ratio of its slant edge to half its base varies only .025% from φ.

Enthusiasts theorize that the golden pyramid acts as some kind of cosmic lens or energy magnifier or focuser, capable of sharpening razor blades and preserving food so it does not rot, and improving the quality of water.  The Great Pyramid's side edge aims to magnetic north, so if you want to experiment with the twirler, you might put a large bar magnet beside it or orient its side to magnetic north.  You might experiment by putting seeds inside the twirler's pyramids for a time, and then see whether they germinate or grow faster.  Maybe candy that sits in it for a while will taste more delicious.  And maybe hanging it above your bed will give you a more restful sleep or enhance your dreams.

Simply put, the twirler puts pyramid power into one's digs, if such power exists.    It looks pretty and makes a classy, unique gift box. So, it's a worthy project.
