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Mick Stratton


Defend what is yours with determination, not hate.

Ravenwolf returned with the documents to Corb Lupia and went directly to his father's house. He loved both his father and mother very much as did most everyone who ever met them. Anyone who knew of Ravenwolf knew it would have taken people who were strong, honorable, and principled to rear a son such as he.

Ravenwolf's father was a large man; he stood six foot four and weighed 230 lbs. with hardly an ounce of fat on him. He had long hair as his son did, but his was grey instead of black. He also had a grey beard. Doethblaidd was considered one of the best of the warriors, and if the Corb Lupians were to go to war, it was understood by all  that he would be elected to be the General of all the forces.

Miclupea, Ravenwolf's mother, was small of stature but also a well-respected warrior. In her youth she had raven black hair but now it had begun to grey. She was still very lithe, quick and deadly. She was also an Om Intelept but was not at the meeting when Ravenwolf first came back.

The Women of Corb Lupia were considered equal to the men, so when Ravenwolf began to go over the documents, it was with both his father and mother.

As the three discussed the documents, Diavol lay in the corner looking at them, and Corbcer perched on a window sill doing the same. They could see the excitement in the faces of Ravenwolf's parents and could feel it from Ravenwolf's mind.

The documents were of great import and definitely needed to be shared with the Consiliu Intelepti.

“These documents are the proof we needed that the Mysterious Woman plans to conquer Corb Lupia, and that proof is all we need to call all the warriors together to fight the Bivolians,” said Miclupea.

“It also shows how she plans on doing it; so we can prepare,” said Doethblaidd. “But when I see the strength of her army and the tools at her side, I do not see how we can possibly defeat them if Unulrău is involved.”

Among the documents was a leather bound book written in a different language than that of the Teren de Bivol so the commanders could not read it.  In fact it was in an ancient language that few could read.


All of the people of Corb Lupia could speak and read at least one other language of Planet_ Verde. When one became an Om Intelept he may be given the ability to read and speak other languages while in the Cosmic Stream. When Ravenwolf became an Om Deluminii he was given the gift of tongues and would immediately be fluent in any language he heard or read. This information he had not shared with anyone. 

Both he and Miclupea were two of the few of Corb Lupia who could decipher the strange language in the leather bound book.  Miclupea was the one who did the translation.

The book explained exactly who Unulrău was and it became obvious that iT was nearly indestructible if not actually so.


It was also obvious that the Mysterious Woman was in cahoots with Unulrău and iT was going to help her anyway iT could.  What was not explained was who the Mysterious Woman was?

Doethblaidd said, “In all our known history of war, Unulrău has never interfered in man's battles, but according to these documents, iT seemingly is planning on doing just that. Why?  What is at such great stakes to cause this interference?  If Unulrău enters into the fray, I don't see how we can stop iT.”

“Not by ourselves: we will have to rely on The Way, and when the power of The Way and Unulrău clash, all life in the vicinity may very well perish,” whispered Ravenwolf. “The good news is that we now know the nature of Unulrău, and that is the first step in overcoming iT, assuming that is possible.”

“We will meet with the Consiliu Intelepti to discuss it tomorrow,” said Doethblaidd, and with that, all three retired for the night.

The next day when the Consiliu Intelepti met, Ravenwolf took the floor and began to speak.

Unulrău? What is iT? Is iT male? Is iT female? We have always referred to Unulrău as iT because we were unsure of iT’s physical form.  What we are sure of is iT is the personification of Hate, absent of any love and the most dangerous force we know of.

Ravenwolf continued, “On Earth there is a philosophy called Taoism.  Before we look at who Unulrău is, we need to look at this philosophy, or at least part of it.  This is the concept of the Yin and the Yang. 

“The Yin-Yang is the concept that for something to be complete, it needs to consist of opposites. That's not really right, but it is close. The symbol for the “Yin-Yang is this:
.  Opposites that complete the whole can be concepts such as happiness-sadness, light-dark, tall-short, good-evil, or the most common example: female-male. The point is that someone really cannot have, or appreciate, something without understanding the continuum.  Of course you are familiar with this because it is also one of our beliefs.

“As you all know, most often in the animal kingdom, reproduction, or continuation, is caused by the merging of the female and the male. They complete each other and become a whole, and as one, they produce other beings.  The Way is full of Yin-Yang, and if you completely understand this, you are that much closer to being able to understand The Way.

“So how does this relate to Unulrău? IT is not the combination of the male-female with each being separate, but together. It is the total destruction of the boundaries and therefore cementing them into one, which means it is neither, yet has the qualities of both.  For this to happen, there can be no give and take, no expanding and contracting, no nuances. All of these are what makes Unulrău what iT is. This cementing is an antithesis of Nature, and for this reason Unulrău continually tries to destroy The Way and all that IT encompasses which is the whole Universe.

“Because iT is neither the Yin nor the Yang, neither a female nor a male can destroy iT!  Therefore in regard to us humans, iT is indestructible. The only thing in the Universe that can do that is The Creator through The Way.”

Several of the other Om Intelepti who had stepped into the Cosmic Spring had had visions of Unulrău but could not understand it.  With the information from the book that Ravenwolf had taken from the commanders, iT became much more comprehensible.

Corbulom asked, “So if iT cannot be destroyed by female forces or male forces, what about a combination of forces?”

Ravenwolf responded to the question: “The Yin-Yang of female and male will not be able to break through because this is fluid, and the Unulrău is like cement.  Over time fluidity can destroy all things, but there is not enough fluidity nor time to do it before the Unulrău succeeds in IT’s quest for destruction of all in our world.”

The only way the Yin-Yang could succeed was if it could break through the solid core of Unulrău and get into iT’s inner core. That can only be done by something as hard as or harder than the Unulrău's outer core, or a constant stream of motion never stopping till it is through, just as moving water eventually wears down rock.”

Several of the other Om Intelepti suggested how that might be done, but in the end, their ideas did not have merit.

Finally Miclupea spoke. “Ravenwolf, look at you, Diavol and Corbcer.  You are not like the Yin-Yang because you are not a continuum.  Your minds are merged as one with no fluidity, but you are three separate entities.  Is it possible that the three of you could break through the core?”

Ravenwolf did not say anything for a long time because he was not there.  He had gone into deep meditation with The Way. After several minutes he was back and said, “No, because the Unulrău is the combination of both female and male and all three of us are male.  Because we lack the Yin, we will fail.”

Then another Om Intelepti said, “A long time ago when I was with The Way, I had a vision of a woman of a different world who had the qualities of the women of this world.  Her essence was of an Om Intelept, and I perceived that this essence had the strength of someone who might be able to surf the Cosmic Stream.  Unfortunately I cannot remember the world she was in or who she was.”

Doethblaidd said, “We have a lot to meditate upon, and here are some questions we should try to get the answers to.  Could a female and a male mentally bond as those who accomplished The Quest bond with their totems?  If they could, would they have the power to overcome the Unulrău? Could this woman of a different world be the one? And lastly, who and where is she?”

With that the meeting was adjourned, and the Om Intelepti went their own ways to contemplate on these questions of such import.

When an Om Intelept went into the Cosmic Stream, he was able to intake the knowledge that The Way wished to impart to him.  Only The Creator and The Way knew why the specific knowledge was imparted to any particular Om Intelept.  The more knowledge, the closer the Om Intelept was to The Way, and the more power of The Way was given to him.

Ravenwolf was more agitated than he had been in a long time and knew he had to leave.  So he and his companions went to the jumping off point and all three leapt into the Cosmic Stream, landed on the silver disk and surfed as they had never surfed before.

Worlds, stars, colors, smells, pressures, thoughts all bombarded them.  They surfed this way and that.  Straight toward a star, only to veer in a manner to be pulled into orbit, building up speed by spiraling down, only to veer again and be catapulted with twice the speed in a new direction.  There was no time; there was no space; yet time and space were everywhere. They surfed backward a thousand years and entered a great void where they started whirling faster and faster pulling particles of The Way into a ball.  Faster and faster, hotter and hotter until there was a star, and they did not stop yet, but continued swirling. In a flash of time, the star went through its complete evolution and exploded shooting the three across the galaxy.  And Ravenwolf laughed the heartiest of laughs because he, Corbcer, and Diavol did the impossible; they had created a star and then turned it into a supernova; the end result was that he was as close as possible for any mortal to be “One” with The Way.  Ravenwolf had become Cel, he who was “The One” with the Way. And he would never be the same again.

In a faraway country on Earth, a beautiful young lass looked into the night sky and saw an explosion that lit it up as if it were day.  She smiled and was surrounded with a presence of joy and peace.  When she returned home, her brother asked her, “Did you see that explosion in the heavens?” She smiled and said “Yes, Henri, it spoke to me.”

The scientists said that the great light that lit up the sky was a supernova, but it confounded them because it was as if a star was born and in less than a minute went through ten million years of existence and then exploded.  They said that this was totally unexpected and completely unexplainable. The star was a thousand light years from Earth.

The next day the Consiliu Intelepti met again.  Miclupea looked at Ravenwolf and said, “You surfed The Way last night?” He shook his head in agreement. She then added, “It must have been phenomenal: you glow as if you were a star.”

The Om Intelept that spoke before about the girl had again stepped into the Cosmic Spring and received information from The Way.  He said, “She is from the planet Earth and lives in a village called Sat de Munte.”

After much discussion, it was decided that Ravenwolf, Corbcer and Diavol would go and see if they could bring the girl back with them.  It had to be those three for no one else could get to Earth.

Before Ravenwolf left, his father called to him and said, “The name of the woman you are looking for is Vulpe.  May The Way be with you!”

And the Cosmic Spring Flows On…
