What Are You Waiting For?
We spend much of our lives in some sort of anticipatory state. We wait for the mail to come, or the weekend, or the next holiday, birthday, anniversary, or for the next phase in our lives. It seems we are always waiting for something.
Waiting can be fun. Remember waiting for Christmas as a kid---all year it seemed? Kids always look forward to presents and candy. From birthdays to Halloween, the difficulty in waiting usually made for fond memories in the end.

Waiting can also be stressful, like waiting for Christmas as a parent or church musician---coming quicker every year! This kind of waiting can turn into dread. A kid may dread imminent punishment for a broken window or bad grade while adults dread bad news as can come from medical diagnoses or other personal traumas. I’ve been dreading coming up with examples of this, so I’ll just pass.
The fact is, like it or not, we wait---a lot. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, unless waiting for the future prevents us from fully experiencing the present. A little kid can’t wait to be a big kid. The big kid knows he’ll have it made when it becomes a teenager who then longs for the freedom he will surely enjoy after high school graduation. Young adults perceive true happiness being found in career and/or family. Older adults pine for retirement. We seem to always assume that life will be better when we reach the next phase, only to be disappointed when we get there. A friend of mine once confided that she was very unhappy with her appearance as a young teen until her mother told her that everything would be better when she turned 18. She was devastated to wake up on her 18th birthday to discover that she still had crooked teeth and little else had changed.

Here’s my top ten list of things we wait for:
10. In winter: the warm weather to return
9. In summer: the cool weather to return
8. Next year! (name your sport/team)
7. Friday! (if you’re employed)
6. Payday! (even retired people look forward to pension checks)
5. Rain (if you’re dry)
4. Sun (if you’re wet)
3. Having a family
2. Having the house back to yourself after the kids leave home
1. Your spouse finally realizing that you were right all along!
What are you waiting for?