Donna wasn’t looking for or, for that matter, the old guy; she Googled an artist she was seeking information about, and she stumbled upon which features the artist she was seeking. Donna made an inquiry of me about the site: recognizing her talents, I bagged and tagged her. Thanks, Donna, for agreeing to be part of

Donna was born in Waco, Texas, but, with the exception for two years in Chiang Mai, Thailand, has lived in Houston since 1974.

She presents programs on textiles as a feminine artform to a variety of organizations including Unity Church of Christianity, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, C.G. Jung Center, Brigid’s Place and others.

“I use soft materials to weave in feminine principles of impermanence, fragility, memories and the quiet voices of ancestral tradition. Combined with the resilient strength of spirit, these art pieces become a metaphor for the life/death/rebirth cycle of human experience. My purpose is to touch people’s spirits with beauty and healing.”
Donna’s Galleries
Donna’s Updates

Donna is available to present programs on textiles as a feminine art form, teaches the art of self-promotion and marketing for artists, and provides textile conservation and repair.

Mixed Media Tapestry

Mixed Media Tapestry

Blue Maze
Mixed Media Tapestry

A Visit with Monet
Mixed Media Tapestry

In the Past
Mixed Media

Blue Shutters
Mixed Media

Man with Fish
Stiched Collage: handmade papers, photograph, found images, metallic thread

5th Wedding Anniversay
Stitched Collage: handmade papers, photographs, color copies, found images, metallic thread

Shadow Dance, 2001
Mixed Media: wedding dress, net, lace, ink, rusted grid

Stories, 2003
Mixed Media: Gauze on Vellum