Pets and Other Beast

All of these essays are related to  animals.

Click on the essay title, go to essay.  Click on the names of the authors and go to their bio pages and a complete list of their essays. 

A Dog’s Life.......... Corky Cummings

Bigfoot........... John W. Pinkerton

Bophidius..........Bill Tune

Cat Naps........... John W. Pinkerton

Cock Fighting........... John W. Pinkerton

Counting Cats........... John W. Pinkerton

Dogs are Chosen: Cats Choose...........

John W. Pinkerton

Dogs, Fish, and Birds........... John W. Pinkerton

Evel Sally........... John W. Pinkerton

Goodbye to Boomer.......... Corky Cummings

Jack........... John W. Pinkerton

Everyone Should Have a Human

or Two..........Bob Hurt

Giant Brains and Camouflage........... John W. Pinkerton

I’ve Bought My Last Dog..........Gene Miller

Javelina Yawns........... John W. Pinkerton

Losing a Companion.........Michael O’brien

My Dog: My Hero........... John W. Pinkerton

My One-Eyed Dog..........Paul Hord

Of Possums and People........ Bill Tune

Possum, Linda’s Cat........... John W. Pinkerton

Snake!........... John W. Pinkerton

The Bug That Bugs Me......... John W. Pinkerton

The Great Turkey Debate......... John W. Pinkerton

The Horse and Other Ways to Die..........

John W. Pinkerton

The Naming of Cats......... John W. Pinkerton

The Raven and the Wolf........Mick Stratton

Toke (poetry)..........Bob Hurt

