1 Dreams of a Frustrated Gardener by Bill Tune
2 Facebook--Good or Evil? by Bill Tune
3 Backyard Beauties and Beast by Bill Tune
4 I-Heart I-Phone by Bill Tune
5 To Be (a recycler) or Not To Be by Bill Tune
7 Guy with a Heart (Condition) by Bill Tune
9 Blank Stares of the Young by Bill Tune
10 Confessions of an Accidental Band Director by Bill Tune
11 Reading/Writing by Milton Watts
13 Failure Isn’t Fatal by Marc Lockard
15 James Jutson, Jr.: American Hero, Parts One and Two by Grady Arnold
16 What Is the Secret to Success? by Marc Lockard
17 The Best Medicine by Bill Tune
18 A Farewell from Marcie by Grady Arnold
21 The Pastor’s Spouse by Bill Tune
22 You Didn’t Build That! by Marc Lockard
23 In Pespective by Bill Neinast
24 Dear Mr. Congressman by Bill Neinast
25 Enough Already! by Bill Neinast
26 Thomas Hatfield’s Rudder from Leader to Legend
27 Hunker Down! by Bill Neinast
29 The RNC: a Treat by Bill Neinast
30 A Sitcom in Charlotte by Bill Neinast
31 Just the Facts, Ma’am by Bill Tune
32 With a Jeweler’s Eye by Sue Ann Lockard
33 President Obama Cannot Be Re-elected in 2012
34 Get Serious about the War by Bill Neinast
35 Spokesperson: Most Difficult Job by Bill Neinast
36 Singing Cathy’s Song by Bill Neinast
37 What If It Had Been George? by Bill Neinast
38 The Super 8 Lifestyle by Grady Arnold
38 I Believe in America by Marc Lockard
39 Desparate Men Do Desparate Things by Bill Neinast
40 Class Warrior in Chief by Bill Neinast
41 What Did He Know and... by Bill Neinast
42 We Need a Graveyard for Sacred Cows by Bill Neinast
43 GOP Swan Song by Bill Neinast
44 The Watchers by Grady Arnold
46 Tales from My Grandmothers by Grady Arnold
47 Class Warriors: the Truth Hurts by Bill Neinast
48 The Dust Bowl and the Role of Government by Bill Neinast
49 There are Many Cliffs by Bill Neinast
50 The Death Penalty by Bill Neinast
51 Watch For Ice On Bridge by Bill Tune
52 We Lost the War on Poverty by Bill Neinast
53 More Gun Laws a Folly by Bill Neinast
54 To Sue or Not to Sue by Bill Neinast
55 The Wording Says It All by Bill Neinast
56 Aunt Rose of Scotland and Her Bible Tales
58 Trust Me by Sue Ann Lockart
59 Culture of Dependence by Bill Neinast
60 Trip to the Watermelon Patch by Bill Neinast
61 Knee Jerk Reaction by Bill Neinast
62 Defense Department Two-Step by Bill Neinast
63 Saving the Military by Bill Neinast
64 My Hound Dog by Dr. Robert Pankey
65 Good Bye, Old Friend by Bill Tune
66 West Tyler Automotive by Grady Arnold
67 The Crawfish by Dr. Robert Pankey
68 The Two Minute Drill by Marcus Lockard
69 Purls of Wisdom: How Learning to Knit Changed My Life by Samantha Jane DeMont
70 My Recurring Dream by Grady Arnold
71 Moving: My Definition of Hell by Paul Hord
72 My One-Eyed Dog and Other Canine Stories by Paul Hord
73 Economically Illiterate by Bill Neinast
74 Charity and the Work Ethic by Bill Neinast
75 Where Is the Sequester Disaster? by Bill Neinast
76 Reviving Monsters by Bill Neinast
77 I Love Sitcoms! by Bill Tune
78 And, of Course, We Taught by Elsa
79 Going to Hell in a Handbasket by Marcus Lockard
80 The Love of a Winged One by Bob Pankey
81 A Story of Anna by Bob Pankey
82 A Better View of Life by Paul Hord
83 Same-Sects Marriage by Bill Tune
85 The Cost of Medical Care by Bill Neinast
86 A History Lesson: English Only by Bill Neinast
87 Slackers and Your Money by Bill Neinast
88 The Mouse That Roared by Bill Neinast
89 Memoirs of an Alleged Educator by Bill Tune
90 Midland Hills by Bob Pankey
91 Home Away from Home by Bob Pankey
92 I Wonder Wonder Wonder, Who... by Marc Lockard
93 My Uncles: My Uncle Ishmael by Grady Arnold
94 A Day of Infany by Bill Neinast
95 One More Law by Bill Neinast
96 The Key Word Is Terrorist by Bill Neinast
97 Mission Accomplished by Bill Neinast
98 The Buck Stops Here by Bill Neinast
99 The Most Interesting Man/Email in the World
(or A Cautionary Tale) by Bill Tune
101 My Uncles: My Uncle Joe by Grady Arnold
102 Hear No Evil, Etc. by Bill Neinast
104 Drip, Drip, Drip by Bill Neinast
105 Sleep Well by Bill Neinast
106 Lie Redefined by Bill Neinast
107 PC and History by Bill Neinast
108 Joe and Jose by Bill Neinast
109 Foreign Policy Mush by Bill Neinast
111 A View from My Porch: July 4, 2013 by Marc Lockard
112 Camp - Year Four Report by Bill Tune
113 Why? Not Who? by Bill Neinast
114 Coherent Policy...I Think Not by Bill Neinast
115 From Liebenau to Detroit by Bill Neinast
116 Hog Killing Time by Bill Neinast
117 Blind Hog Finds Acorn by Bill Neinast
118 The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure
119 Cousin Kim: the Story of a Hero by Bob Pankey
120 Family Reunions by Bill Tune
121 Homeland Security: Formerly IRS by Hendrik Benson
122 Through the Pain by John Grant
123 Dog Days of Summer by Samantha Demont
125 Of Possums and People by Bill Tune
126 Red Line Rewrite by Bill Neinast
127 Where’s Waldo by Bill Neinast
128 Looming Danger by Bill Neinast
129 Alcohol and Drugs: History Repeated by Bill Neinast
130 The Best Films about Art...Ever by John Grant
131 Voting Hypocracy by Bill Neinast
132 Our Henny Penny Congress by Bill Neinast
133 Affordable Healthcare? by Bill Neinast
134 Look Over there by Bill Neinast
135 Advertising Pays by Bill Neinast
136 Kicking the Can and the Texas Model
137 A Little Good News by Bill Neinast
138 Silver Alerts and Pinocchios by Bill Neinast
139 I Know Nothing by Bill Neinast
140 Viva Independence and Self-Reliance
141 My Take on Tattoos by Paul Hord
143 The Graduate by Bob Pankey
145 Perspective on bin Laden’s War by Bill Neinast
146 Fewer Toys for Pentagon by Bill Neinast
147 Obamacare Flight by Bill Neinast
148 The Method to My Madness by John Grant
152 Republican New Year’s Resolution by Bill Neinast
153 Now You’re Concerned? by Bill Neinast
154 Unemployment the Texas Way by Bill Neinast
155 Beware Solicitation Letters by Bill Neinast
156 We Must Not Forget by Bill Neinast
157 Political Lies by Bill Neinast
159 The Vacation from Hell by Rhonda Wheeler Cook
160 When an Artist’s Work Touches Your Soul by Robin Avery
161 I Coulda Been a Contender by Bill Tune
162 The Brand New Year by Ken Muenzenmayer
163 Livable Forest by Ken Muenzenmayer
164 Let’s Not Make Anyone Uncomfortable by Bill Neinast
165 Dropouts and Graduates by Bill Neinast
166 The Ditherer by Bill Neinast
167 Illegal Aliens by Bill Neinast
168 Kevin and Marley’s Story by Rhonda Wheeler Cook
169 Seeing the Forest Beyond the Trees by Robert Pankey
170 Kids Say the Darndest Things by Bill Tune
171 Top Secret by Bill Neinast
172 Larry, Moe, and Curley by Bill Neinast
173 Charity Starts at Home by Bill Neinast
174 Declare Peace in the War on Drugs by Bill Neinast
175 I Can See Clearly Now by Bill Tune
176 No More Blizzards in Winter by Rhonda Wheeler Cook
177 Windshields by Rhonda Wheeler Cook
178 Happenings at 70 by Hendrik Benson
179 People Are Weird by Bill Tune
180 Stop Knee Jerk Reaction by Bill Neinast
181 Sensible Military Reductions by Bill Neinast
182 If It’s Not Broken... by Bill Neinast
183 What Difference Does It Make by Bill Neinast
184 Education: If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It by Bill Neinast
185 Can You Spare a Little Change? by Bob Hurt
187 Toke by Bob Hurt (I’m not going to explain why I’ve done this, but I’ve listed “Toke” as an essay here and as a poem on “The Poetry of Bob Hurt.”)
188 Vacation Transportation by Bill Tune
189 Order More Stop Signs by Bill Neinast
190 Back to the Issues That Matter by Bill Neinast
191 Fairness: Here We Go Again by Bill Neinast
192 Less Sports and Entertainment: More Hard News by Bill Neinast
193 Uncle Sugar by Bill Neinast
194 The Veterans Administration’s Mess by Bill Neinast
195 The Last Chilvary by Bill Neinast
196 Rights to Entitlements by Bill Neinast
197 Some Things Just Don’t Make Sense by Rhonda Wheeler Cook
198 Morning Mist and the Promise of Eternity by Ken Keller
199 Driving Mr. and Mrs. Daisy by Theresa Perez
200 A Very Moving Experience by Bill Tune
201 Workers’ Paradise by Bill Neinast
202 United? Nations by Bill Neinast
203 An Outstanding President: Obama by Bill Neinast
204 Double Agent? by Bill Neinast
206 Smokey Row: The Aventures of John McDougald by Roy Sanders
207 A Little Middle East History by Bill Neinast
208 Surviving the Hydra by Bill Neinast
209 Only the Facts, M’am by Bill Neinast
210 Tomlinson Hill and the Democrats by Bill Neinast
211 Both Parties Hypocrits by Bill Neinast
212 This essay removed in the name of political correctness.
213 Climbing for Your Life! by Robert Pankey
214 A Morning Walker by Max Stratton
215 Some Thoughts by Max Stratton
216 Escape to the Mountains by Gene Miller
217 Being a Texan by Curt Wills
218 The Secrets of Selling Art by Russell Cushman
220 Go Home and Rest by Rhonda Wheeler Cook
221 The Accidental Cowboy by Mick Stratton
222 On Katrina by Mick Stratton
223 Some Thoughts II by Mick Stratton
224 We’re Already at War by Bill Neinast
225 I Know Nothing by Bill Neinast
226 Alarm Bells by Bill Neinast
227 Radical Change by Bill Neinast
229 The Tragic Life of a Beauty Queen by Gene Miller
230 A Quick Note about Pure White by Bob Hurt
231 Some Thoughts III by Mick Stratton
232 Rite of Passage by Mick Stratton
233 Ebola: an Imagined Epidemic by Bill Neinast
234 It’s Better to... by Bill Neinast
235 Make Schools Independent by Bill Neinast
238 Changing Neighborhoods by Bill Neinast
239 We’ll Survive by Bill Neinast
240 Just the Facts by Bill Neinast
241 What Do They Want? by Bill Neinast
242 On Diversity and Tolerance by Mick Stratton
243 Some Thoughts IV by Mick Stratton
244 Gingerbread by Rhonda Wheeler Cook
245 Jugito’s Habanero Pepper Mash and Hot Sauce
246 Affordable Care Act? by Bill Neinast
247 Been There, Done That by Bill Neinast
248 My Chystal Ball by Bill Neinast
250 Glass Fusing Experience by Hendrik Bergen
251 Los Compadres by Theresa Perez
251 My Son’s Heritage by Mick Stratton
251 Some Thoughts V by Mick Stratton
252 The Keystone XL Pipeline by Bill Neinast
253 Voting Reform Important by Bill Neinast
254 Time Marches On by Bill Neinast
255 Narcissist-in-Chief by Bill Neinast
256 On the Art, Science and Philosophy of Child Rearing by Mick Stratton
257 Some Thoughts VI by Mick Stratton
258 When and Why You Should Raise Your Price by Bob Hurt
259 Nod Once for “No” by Bill Tune
260 Mideast Treaty Organization by Bill Neinast
261 Nod Once for “No” by Bill Tune
262 You’re Not Funny by Bill Tune
263 The Raven and the Wolf by Mick Stratton
264 Some Thoughts VII by Mick Stratton
265 Winter Blues by Rhonda Wheeler Cook
266 Give Common Core a Chance by Bill Neinast
267 Art’s a Journey by Robin Avery
268 War and Luck by Bill Neinast
269 Nobody Else Is Doing It? by Bill Neinast
270 What If Obama Were President in 1942 by Bill Neinast
271 Bernie Madoff: Barrack Obama by Bill Neinast
272 Global Warming Nuts by Bill Neinast
274 Welcome Back to Munich by Bill Neinast
275 A President from the Business World? by Bill Neinast
276 Belated Blog from Bishop-Favro by Michael O’Brien
277 The Long Forgotten Letter by Robin Avery
278 A Man and a Woman by Mick Stratton
279 Some Thoughts VIII by Mick Stratton
280 Blunderbuss Foreign Policy by Bill Neinast
281 The Inheritance Tax by Bill Neinast
282 Fair Trial in Baltimore? by Bill Neinast
283 The Governor and the Military by Bill Neinast
284 Mom and Me by Mick Stratton
285 Some Thoughts IX by Mick Stratton
286 My Cold, Sticky Fingers by Bill Tune
287 Notes on Turning 60 by Michael O’Brien
288 When Your Team Sucks by Paul Hord
289 From General to Personal Welfare by Bill Neinast
290 From Independence to Dependency by Bill Neinast
291 Finally Some Good News by Bill Neinast
292 December 7 by Bill Neinast
293 I Remember When by Mick Stratton
294 Some Thoughts X by Mick Stratton
295 Backyard Beauties and Beast, Revisited by Bill Tune
296 One Less Pillar by Michael O’Brien
297 When Did Policemen Become the Bad Guys? by Bill Neinast
298 This Ain’t Crystal Night by Bill Neinast
299 Bingo, Hillary by Bill Neinast
300 Love and Hate by Mick Stratton
301 Some Thoughts XI by Mick Stratton
302 Father’s Day by Michael O’Brien
303 Grandma’s Tamales Factory by Theresa Perez
304 The Gospel According to Bill by Bill Tune
305 The Passing of a Loved One by Steve Branch
299 The Trump Card by Bill Neinast
299 Goodbye Old Flag by Bill Neinast
300 Obeying the Law by Bill Neinast