Not So Personal Essays

Most of these essays, although they are based on personal experiences, concentrate on elements not so personal.

Click on the essay title, go to essay.  Click on the names of the authors and go to their bio pages and a complete list of their essays. 

John W. Pinkerton

A Curmudgeon’s Report..........

John W. Pinkerton

A Mulligan, Please..........

John W. Pinkerton

...and I Ain’t Too Sure About You..........

John W. Pinkerton

Anti-intellectualism My Butt..........

John W. Pinkerton

Apathy---Not Always a Bad Thing..........

John W. Pinkerton

Artificial Intelligence and HAL..........

John W. Pinkerton

Attaboy, 8..........

John W. Pinkerton

Beards Are Trending..........John W. Pinkerton

Being a Texan..........Curt Wills

Big Changes Little Noted..........

John W. Pinkerton

Big Changes Since WWII.......... Bill Neinast

Bigwigs.......... John W. Pinkerton

Bitcoins..........Bob Hurt

Bob and Silent K.......... John W. Pinkerton

Book  Burnings and Censorship.......... John W. Pinkerton

Chiropractors.......... John W. Pinkerton

Churches, Work Harder or............. John W. Pinkerton

Coaches.......... John W. Pinkerton

Colleges: Perceptions and Realities.......... John W. Pinkerton

College Degrees:

Look before You Leap.......... John W. Pinkerton

Cool.......... John W. Pinkerton

Cottonseed.......... John W. Pinkerton

Creaky Voice.......... Chip Hill

Creepy Places......... John Pinkerton

Country Inn---Gone......... John Pinkerton

Do Aliens Have a Sense of Humor......... John Pinkerton

Dog Days..........Paul Hord

Double Vision..........Jay Brakefield

Drinking and Camping and the Presidents.......... John W. Pinkerton

Driving .........Chip Hill

Enemies Can Be  Blessings.......... John W. Pinkerton

Enjoyed the Gun Talk..........Bob Hurt

Epilogue.........Frank Cox III

Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum.......... John W. Pinkerton

Felon Friendly.......... John W. Pinkerton

Fifteen Minutes of Fame.........

John Pinkerton

First, Do No Harm.......... John W. Pinkerton

Flyover County.......... John W. Pinkerton

Fog.......... John W. Pinkerton

Frog or Toad?.......... John W. Pinkerton

From Alvin to Yogi.......... John W. Pinkerton

Get a Rope.......... John W. Pinkerton

Give Me a Damned Break.......... John W. Pinkerton

God Hates a Straight Line John W. Pinkerton

Gravity’s Pull on Me.......... John W. Pinkerton

Hang Those Deniers.......... John W. Pinkerton

Hardware, Software, and Life.......... John W. Pinkerton

Hate.......... John W. Pinkerton

Hell, It’s On.......... John W. Pinkerton

High Self-Esteem and Expectations.......... John W. Pinkerton

Hitchin’.......... John W. Pinkerton

Humility......... John W. Pinkerton

Hunting.......... John W. Pinkerton

Hurricane Hilary............Corky Cummings

I Am a Lucky Man.......... John W. Pinkerton

I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Technology.......... John W. Pinkerton

I Know Nothing, Nothing!.......... John W. Pinkerton

I Like Rich People.......... John W. Pinkerton

Icons and Judgments.......... John W. Pinkerton

If You’re a Man over Thirty.......... John W. Pinkerton

Impossible?.......... John W. Pinkerton

Intelligence.......... John W. Pinkerton

Irish.......... John W. Pinkerton

It’s a Ding Dang Miracle.......... John W. Pinkerton

Just Too Damned Big.......... John W. Pinkerton

Know Thyself.......... John W. Pinkerton

Language Matters.......... John W. Pinkerton

Last Meals.......... John W. Pinkerton

Lawsuit...Really?.......... John W. Pinkerton

Less is More.......... John W. Pinkerton

Let’s Talk about Goats.......... John W. Pinkerton

Let’s Talk about Hats.......... John W. Pinkerton

Linear Week.......... John W. Pinkerton

Lord Elgin.......... John W. Pinkerton

Make Your Own Double-Inverted Diametric-Apex Cheops Pyramid Psychotronic Twirler........ Bob Hurt

Man Plans, and God Laughs.......... John W. Pinkerton

Mass Murders.......... John W. Pinkerton

Mathematics.......... John W. Pinkerton

Meaning of Life.......... John W. Pinkerton

Methusela.......... John W. Pinkerton

My Karma Ran Over Your Dogma.......... John W. Pinkerton

My Tree.......... John W. Pinkerton

Name Change Head Explosion.......... John W. Pinkerton

Nicknames.......... John W. Pinkerton

Vigilance.......... John W. Pinkerton

Nod Once for “No”..........Bill Tune

Novelty Songs.......... John W. Pinkerton

Okay, We Need to Talk.......... John W. Pinkerton

Old Age and Nursing Homes.......... John W. Pinkerton

Old White Guy Speaks.......... John W. Pinkerton

Oops!.......... John W. Pinkerton

Our Big Oak: Hard Times.......... John W. Pinkerton

Our Town.......... John W. Pinkerton

Outhouses.......... John W. Pinkerton

PC--Not Personal Computer--Politically Corrent..........Sherrine Moore

Photography......... John W. Pinkerton

Public Education.......... John W. Pinkerton

Rehab.......... John W. Pinkerton

Rambo.......... John W. Pinkerton

Religion or Not.......... John W. Pinkerton

Resolving and Relevance.........Michael O’brien

Richard Milhous Nixon.......... John W. Pinkerton

Round Top.......... John W. Pinkerton

Routines.......... John W. Pinkerton

Same Man: Same Problem.......... John W. Pinkerton

Satchel Page was right, petty much..........Jay Brakefield

Silly, Stupid and Insand Laws........ Mick Stratton

Social Changes.......... John W. Pinkerton

Seychelles.......... John W. Pinkerton

Shakespeare’s Man.......... John W. Pinkerton

Shock.......... John W. Pinkerton

Somerville Progress.......... John W. Pinkerton

Southern Waving.......... John W. Pinkerton

Square Pegs and Round Holes.......... John W. Pinkerton

Square Roots.......... John W. Pinkerton

Stanford Retards.......... John W. Pinkerton

Suicide Happens.......... John W. Pinkerton

Sundays, the Sabbath, and Blue Laws..........

John W. Pinkerton

Talking to Men.......... John W. Pinkerton

Tears---Knock It Off.......... John W. Pinkerton

The Cool Kids’ Table.......... John W. Pinkerton

The Death Sentence.......... John W. Pinkerton

The Gospel According to Bill..........Bill Tune

The Hero Season.........Michael O’brien

The Love of a Winged One..........Bob Pankey

The Merging........ Mick Stratton

The Moon and Green Cheese.......... John W. Pinkerton

The Mystery of Electricity.......... John W. Pinkerton

The One-Eyed Man.......... John W. Pinkerton

The Penny........... John W. Pinkerton

The Psychotronic Twirler..........Bob Hurt

The Roll of ISIS in the West........ Bob Hurt

The Romance Is Over.......... John W. Pinkerton

The Silent Generation.......... John W. Pinkerton

The Watchers..........Grady Arnold

Thinking Inside the Box.........Michael O’brien

This Is an Intervention.......... John W. Pinkerton

Time or Maybe Not.......... John W. Pinkerton

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream.......... John W. Pinkerton

Too Dumb to Know.......... John W. Pinkerton

Transcendentalism.......... John W. Pinkerton

Trismegistus.......... John W. Pinkerton

Twenty-four in One.......... John W. Pinkerton

UFOs and Me.......... John W. Pinkerton

Uncle Sam, You Got a Lot of ‘Splanin’ to Do.......... John W. Pinkerton

Useless Memories.......... John W. Pinkerton

Wallowing in Grief.......... John W. Pinkerton

We Call Our Daddies Daddy.......... John W. Pinkerton

Weird Physics.......... John W. Pinkerton

What a Strange World.......... John W. Pinkerton

What Do You Say to a Dying Friend?.......... John W. Pinkerton

What’s Under Your Bed?.......... John W. Pinkerton

Whiskers..........Bob Hurt

You’re Late, Damn It.......... John W. Pinkerton

You’re Still Not the Boss of Me.......... John W. Pinkerton

Zombies.......... John W. Pinkerton




Epilogue by Frank Cox III

Thomas Hatfield’s Rudder from Leader to Legend

by Sue Ann Lockard