Political and National Issues Essays

All of these essays are related to politic or national issue.

Click on the essay title, go to essay.  Click on the names of the authors and go to their bio pages and a complete list of their essays. 

The first group of essays below are by Bill Neinast, weekly columnist for the Brenham Banner Press.  Because they are time sensitive, they are listed in their chronological order.

At the bottom of the page, are political essays by other contributors.

Dear Mr. Congressman

Enough Already!

Hunker Down!


The RNC: a Treat

A Sitcom in Charlotte

Get Serious about the War

Spokesperson: Most Difficult Job

Singing Cathy’s Song

What If It Had Been George?

Desperate Men Do Desperate Things

Class Warrior in Chief

What Did He Know and When...

We Need a Graveyard for Sacred Cows

GOP Swan Song?

Class Warriors: the Truth Hurts

The Dust Bowl and the Role of Government

There Are Many Cliffs

The Death Penalty

We Lost the War on Poverty

More Gun Laws a Folly

To Sue or Not to Sue

The Wording Says It All

Culture of Dependence

Trip to the Watermelon Patch

Knee Jerk Reaction

Defense Department Two-Step

Saving the Military

Economically Illiterate

Charity and the Work Ethic

Where Is the Sequester Disaster?

Reviving Monsters

The Cost of Medical Care

A History Lesson: English Only

Slackers and Your Money

The Mouse That Roared

A Day of Infamy

One More Law

The Key Word Is Terrorist

Mission Accomplished

The Buck Stops Here

Hear No Evil, Etc.


Drip, Drip, Drip

Sleep Well

Lie Redefined

PC and History

Joe and Jose

Foreign Policy Mush

Why? Not Who?

Coherent Policy...I Think Not

From Liebenau to Detroit

Blind Hog Finds Acorn

The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure

Red Line Rewrite

Where’s Waldo?

Looming Danger

Alcohol and Drugs: History Repeated

Voting Hypocracy

Our Henny Penny Congress

Affordable Healthcare?

Look Over There

Advertising Pays

Kicking the Can Down the Road and the Texas Model

A Little Good News

Silver Alerts and Pinocchios

I Know Nothing

Viva Independence and Self-Reliance

Perspective on bin Laden’s War

Fewer Toys for the Pentagon

Obamacare Flight



Republican New Year’s Resolution

Now You’re Concerned?

Unemployment the Texas Way

Beware Solicitation Letters

We Must Not Forget

Political Lies


Let’s Not Make Anyone Uncomfortable

Dropouts and Graduates

The Ditherer

Illegal Aliens

Top Secret

Larry, Moe, and Curley

Charity Starts at Home

Declare Peace in the War on Drugs

Stop Knee Jerk Reactions

Sensible Military Reductions

If It’s Not Broke

What Difference Does It Make

Education: If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It

Order More Stop Signs

Back to the Issues That Matter

Fairness: Here We Go Again

Less Sports and Entertainment: More Hard News

Uncle Sugar

The Veterans Administration’s Mess

Rights to Entitlements

Workers’ Paradise

United? Nations

An Outstanding President: Obama

Double Agent?

Deja-vu, All Over Again

A Little Middle East History

Surviving the Hydra

Only the Facts M’am

Tomlinson Hill and the Democrats

Both Parties Hypocrites

We’re Already at War

I Know Nothing

Alarm Bells

Radical Change

Ebola: an Imagined Epidemic

It’s Better to...

Make Schools Independent


Changing Neighborhoods

We’ll Survive

Just the Facts

What Do They Want?

Affordable Care Act?

Been There, Done That

My Crystal Ball

Kudos to President Obama

The Keystone XL Pipeline

Voting Reform Important

Time Marches On


Mideast Treaty Organization

Give Common Core a Chance

War and Luck

Nobody Else Is Doing It?

What If Obama Were President in 1941

Bernie Madoff: Barrack Obama     

Global Warming Nuts     


Welcome Back to Munich

A President from the Business World?

Blunderbuss Foreign Policy

The Inheritance Tax

Fair Trial in Baltimore

The Governor and the Military

From General to Personal Welfare

From Independence  to Dependency

Finally Some Good News

December 7

        The Trump Card

       Goodbye Old Flag

Obeying the Law

The Tax Collector or Karl Marx

Good News, Bad News

  The Cream Rises to the Top

  Kept in the Closet

  From Baitzemt to the US

  Seig Heil Again?

Abortions Many Aspects

Sauce for the Goose Is Sauce for the Gander

Perspective from Dr. Ben Carson

Modest Proposals for a  Conundrum

Snake Oil

The Log in Your Own Eye

Chaos, Dysfunction, Frustration

How Not to Get Your Ass Kicked

Foreign Policy Seek and Find

A Radical by Any Other Name Is Still a Radical

War Requires a Strategy

War Requires a Strategy...Still

Tread Lightly, Voters

Give Me Your Tired, Your  Poor...

President Clueless about the Misuse of Firearms

Immigration Solved: Enforce Laws on Books

I, Uncle Sam, Resolve...

Tears and Fiddling

Political But Not Correct

Same Tune---Different Verse

A Wake for the Two Parties

A Generational Difference

County Commissioners’ Court Accessible

Do You Want This Thing to Be President?


Clarification: Supreme Court

Today Is 1984

Be Careful What You Ask For

World War III

Time for a Tune Up

Is “Hello” PC?

Trump on Abortion

Supreme Court Up for Grabs

Keep Your Fingers Crossed

Hobson’s Choice 2016

Get Out of Panic Mode

New Models for Elections

A Country of Immigrants

Nothing to Fear

There Is an Alternative

Texas Needs a Death with Dignity Law

Stupid Response to Orlando

The Worst Commander-in-Chief

The U.S. Army War College

BLM Mirrors KKK

Wars’s Many Faces

Ma and Pa Clinton

Chameleon Trump


Autographed Copy of Jesus Christ

No Best Out There

A New Draft

Hard Decisions

It Must Be True

Federal Government Dysfunctional

Vote for Supremes and Congress

The Republican Party and Silk Purses

Mission Impossible

Enough Already

Ma and Pa Going to the White House?

Henny Penny Democrats

Politically Correct=Political Idiocy

Newton’s Third Law and Politics

Miracles Do Happen

The Business of Government

The Russians Are Coming

What Will Happen in 2017?

Driving Nails into Coffins

Pass in Review!

Will Trump Be Presidential?

A Glimmer of Hope

Flabbergasted Democrats

Part of Our Heritage

DeVos Right Secretary of Education

Rethinking Education

Abortion and Sex Education

The Russians Did It?

Free Speech Not Free

Shaky Standing

Flailing Chickens

Operation Papyrus

And the Winner Is

A New Man in Town

Too Soon Old, too Late Smart

The Land of Oz, USA

News and Facts

Washington County EMS: the Best

Memorial Day---Every Day

Prejudice a Learned Behavior


Give Henny Penny a Rest

Too Much Trivia

Nuclear North Korea

Fair Taxes

Ignoring Facts

Starving Departments

Time for Another Hoover Commission?

Hate and the KKK

Bad Language: Bad Choice

Waiting with Baited Breath

Hate Knows No Bounds

A Step too Far

The Law Is the Law

Honest Trump

Stuck in the Swamp


The NFL, Racism, and the President

Politics and Monuments

Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How

Guns Don’t Kill People...

Yesterday Not All Bad

Racism and the National Anthem

Dear Kneeling Brothers

Sex Will Win

Apples and Oranges

Truth in Advertising

A Better Way

White Privilege to the Trash

Taxes---Same Old Story

County Governance

From the Farms to the Cyberworld

The Scoundrels!

Whistler’s Mother

Pot, Bowl, or Magnet

State Level Term Limits

Murder Is Already Illegal

Truth in Advertising

The National Debt

Paying for Panic

The Train to Crystal City

Brenham, Texas, Has a Professional Theatre

Time’s Up


Pro-Lifers or Anti-Abortionists?

Deal Not Bonded

Laws Punish---Not  Prevent

Republicans---Don’t Be Hypocrites


Our Schools Need Overhaul

Barack Obama...What a Guy!

Facts about Separated Children

We’re Doomed

Emotional  Thinkers

Democratic Socialists of America

Casey at the Bat

Talk Softly and Carry a Big Stick

The World Moves On

Trump and the Press

Security Clearance: the Truth

The Washington Playground

Life Is Adaptable

Millennials and Prosperity

OK, We Lost

Do Democrats Have No Shame?

Bring Back the WPA

Senators and Sense


The Cost of Illegals

Term Limits

Murder Is a Constant

Health Care  Not an Entitlement

Thankful for the Constitution

Trump and Media Are Both Guilty

Atrocity Upon Atrocity


The New Colossus

Pork and the Wall

Wake Up America

21 Months until Election

Birth and Law Suits

President Trump: a Man of His Word

December 7,1941

Bernie Says Medicare for All

The VA: Faceless, Nameless, Unapproachable

We’ve Moved but Little Has Changed

Brain Cells and Democrats

The “Doctor” Needs Guidance

Dems Plotting against Electoral College

Greatest Generation Not to Be Replicated

Chickens and Illegals

Have Faith in Capitalism

Will It Never End?

Aliens on Stage

That’s a Lot of History


Respect for Country

Naive Socialist-Democrats

Scary Socialist-Democrats

Beating a Dead Horse

Rational Conclusions

Respect for the Law

Thank Your Mentors

Nero’s Fiddling

Red Flag Approach

High Crimes and Misdemeanors

Three Threats to U. S.

In My Shoes



Star Chamber

Naive, Uninformed, and


Honoring the Veterans

Old Folks Homes

Washington’s Farce

Our Jury System

What to Worry about

Impeachment: a Christmas Gift

Happy New Decade

It’s What He Does


Now That’s a Nightmare

No Thanks, Dems

Where’s My Present, Kim?

Civics Lessons Needed

The Cat Fight

From Sears to Amazon

Self-Funded...Not So Much


The Pandemic and the Economy

The Pandemic and World War II

COVID-19 and Future Wars

It’s a Tough Call

Stop Whining

New Reads and the Death Penalty

The Coming  Economic Disaster?

Kamikaze Warfare

Your Grandparents’ Shoes

It’s Not Broken

Black and White Police Brutality

Systemic Police Brutality

What’s the Point?

BLM: What Do They Want?

The Holocaust, Friends, and Slavery

auf wiedersehen Logic

It’s Time to Stop the Nonsense

Applaud the Men in Blue

The Answer: Term Limits

Miraculous Advancements

Lady Liberty

Don’t Believe Everything You Read

History and Experience

The First Amendment

The Supreme Court

What’s behind Proposed Changes?

Four on One

Optimism Ain’t Easy

Medicine Ranks Number 1

The Blue Wave

Election Fraud Nothing New

Thanksgiving Thanks

You Lost---Go Home

Trump Is an Idiot

The Atmosphere Changes: Get Over It

The Days of Self-Reliance

So Here’s the Perspective

The Path to the Workers’ Paradise

Thrown to the Wolves

January 4, 2021: Historical

Eight Levels of Control

Hypocracy and the Southern Border

The Right to Assemble and Petition

Where’s Hunter?

Tax and Spend

1941 Again

Guns and Common Sense

Century of Change

Racist Country?

What’s Next!

Biden’s Policies?

Jack Norton

Three Mistakes

The Ostrich Administration

Auf Wiedersehen

All Other Political or National Issues Essays

Click on the essay title, go to essay.  Click on the authors’ names and go to their bio pages and a list of all of their essays.

America's Islamic Problem.......... Mick Stratton

Anchor Babies......... Bob Hurt

Behind Closed Doors........

Bobby Joe and Bubba and Fission and Fusion....... John W. Pinkerton

Bobby Joe and Bubba Debrief....... John W. Pinkerton

Bobby Joe, Bubba, and Dylan Mulvaney....... John W. Pinkerton

Bubba and Bobby Joe and Dylan Mulvaney: the

Sequel....... John W. Pinkerton

Bubba and Bobby Joe: Friends....... John W. Pinkerton

Bubba, Bobby Joe, and Waldo....... John W. Pinkerton

Bubba and Bobby Joe Solve a Plethora of Problems....... John W. Pinkerton

Breaking the Code...Maybe........

John W. Pinkerton

Buyer’s Regret........

John W. Pinkerton

Christians Redefined....... John W. Pinkerton

Circle the Wagons....... John W. Pinkerton

Clear Eye on Taiwan....... John W. Pinkerton

Coersion Versus Persuasion........ John W. Pinkerton

Covid and Common Sense........ John W. Pinkerton


John W. Pinkerton

Difficult  Problem: Difficult Solutions........

John W. Pinkerton

Economy Blues......... Corky Cummings

Election Year......... Corky Cummings

Equity and Equality....... John W. Pinkerton

European Statue Haters

Extreme Politics........Bill Tune

Good Angel/Bad Angel........ John W. Pinkerton

Good Luck, Dems........ John W. Pinkerton

I Believe in America........ Marc Lockard

I Guess I’m Just a Bad Person........

John W. Pinkerton

I Hate Trump........ John W. Pinkerton

I’m Very, Very Sorry........... John W. Pinkerton

It’s All about the Hair........ John W. Pinkerton

It’s Not All about You........ John W. Pinkerton

It’s a Freakin’ Miracle........ John W. Pinkerton

Just the Facts, Ma’am........Bill Tune

Just Not Funny........ John W. Pinkerton

Justice and Outrage.......... Sherrine Moore

Kryptonite........ John W. Pinkerton

Liberals and ‘Free Speech’........ John W. Pinkerton

Lying........ John W. Pinkerton

Magic Words........ John W. Pinkerton

Not So Fast, Old Friend........ John W. Pinkerton

Sad and Obvious Agenda.......... Sherrine Moore

Okay, I Said It........ John W. Pinkerton

Politics........ John W. Pinkerton

Politics........Chip Hill

Problem Solved........ John W. Pinkerton

Production, Wealth, Politicians, and Greed by Mick Stratton.......... Mick Stratton

Roll Dem Dice........ John W. Pinkerton

Same-Sects Marriage........Bill Tune

Same-Sex Marriage........ John W. Pinkerton

The American People Have Spoken........ John W. Pinkerton

The Battered Wives Club........

The Ol’ Double-L: a Sovereign Nation........

John W. Pinkerton

On Sticking One’s Patriotic Neck Out to Clean Up Government......... Bob Hurt

Trumped........Bill Tune

Trump Is My President........Bill Tune

Trump’s the Devil........ John W. Pinkerton

What a Country!........ John W. Pinkerton

Weaponization of the Federal Government........ John W. Pinkerton

What’s All This Israel Stuff?........ John W. Pinkerton

Who Killed JFK?........ John W. Pinkerton

Ya’ll So Silly........ John W. Pinkerton

You Didn’t Build That!........Marc Lockard

Wishful Thinking........Bill Tune

The Class of 1960 ........ John W. Pinkerton

  The Great Divide........ John W. Pinkerton

The Secret..........Russell Cushman

Wealth........Chip Hill

